Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Revelation from Wizards of Waverly Place


Last night on Wizards of Waverly Place, a show that Disney pulled long b4 it should have been.

Wizards-Of-Waverly-Place-Soundtrack wizardsofwaverlyplace

The episode had it to where to save  family’s sub sandwich shop, the family had to travel back in time to keep the former owner from selling it to a land broker.

One of the points was Max the youngest of the cast, was talking to some leather biker wanna be’s . The leader of the pack was holding a old portable radio. Max asked how many songs could the guy get on the radio? The greaser said millions, Max then asked how much does that cost? Max was under the illusion that one had to buy songs to listen to at 99 cents a song. And I thought, that’s tragic.

I can remember too and still do on most of it, hell I’m in the radio biz. But that said, free radio as we know it may be on the threshold, of what Television was only 20 or so years ago.

True some things we pay for, like Internet access, and much of that comes from the same provider as our TV through cable TV providers, but there was a time, when we got purtty good TV albeit only 3 maybe 4 channels. In Hazzard we got 2 clear, the rest was snowy, until the addition of the translator on Bell Rapids, but we got it for free.

Radio at least for now is still free. Accessible by the simplest devices, from mini transistor radios to big boom boxes. So why pay a cell phone company 99 cents to capture music? Why buy $400.00 smart phones, IPhones, and the like , when radio is at least now , free?

Broadcasters are all standing in line , ramping up, to be able to stream radio onto your mobile device.

Again , and this goes out to all my fellow radio pals, why pay for something that is already free?

Sure there is Sirius/XM and all, but instead of running in the cave, why not all of us in radio, get back to just that? Radio.

MarVista-Disney-Channel-Radio-Rebel Where we can have music, news, a few ads, and enjoy what we love? More over put some personality back in the hosts(DJ’s) and create what is unlike anything else, fan generated, fan appreciated, and consumer driven media? That media called Radio.

Just amazing ain’t it? But we need to do more. All of us needs to do what we can to preserve radio in its current state, or your going to be paying for it. Just like cable TV, paying more, getting less.

That’s one of the missions of HazzardAyre Radio. Keeping radio free, and entertaining, as well as informative. After all who else is going to be there during a natural disaster like hurricane Katrina? When all other sources of information was down, the real champ was radio. That’s what we work at daily, and hope ya’ll will join us in the fight. If you agree, contribute to the AyreWolvez Radio Preservation Fund.

Email me at for details.

Body is ready for slumber.

L8R Aviators,


Quote of the Day:
It is better to aim at perfection and miss, than to aim at imperfection and hit it
--Thomas J. Watson
Deuteronomy 6:4-5“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”

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