Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The countdown begins and aren’t ya’ll glad you have HazzardAyre?


So its news time go to three inputs for streaming news, all of em not working. Normally I’d think its us. But YouTube, and NBC News still streams. Not local news. Which is why I went there. Course here in a week or so, our stream is up to be running, and most here will be glad of that. Here’s what I can’t fathom. If its money lost or something because somebody at one of these local TV stations can’t maintain a solid stream, then do like the networks do, Stream the ads as well as the program. At least that pays for the effort.

One of the things that I think keeps us at Confederate Steele on top is our attention to detail. A set of skills implanted in most of us through service in the military . We learn at an early point if you start something, finish it. If you can’t do it well or the critter wont work good any more stop doing it. Better that than loose viewer confidence.

Its not just KPVI, KTVB or KMVT its that the TV and Radio biz has lost serious revenue. Although news out of California says California’s radio market had a good uptick of revenue last month.

So I went into H&W today to get a copy of some paper work, and there was nearly every desk booth there full. Two of the split tails, there looked damn good. Thought I had, sure you’ll sit here with balling babies getting state aid, yet here HazzardAyre sits here with a $8,000.00 a month minimum career opening in studio as well as half that internships and ya’ll will not budge. Don’t give much sympathy to lazy bones.

The best thing I learned or at least one of the best, is one from our beloved Bible, that says in 1st Timothy, You don’t work, you don’t eat. Not saying benefits are not needed or deserved. Veterans coming home needing help until their military benefits kick in, or a bridge between the two as in my case. Sure , fine, but I served thus I deserve. But for some of these gals who just can’t keep their legs closed , Tax payers feed them. Sure there is the old saying of us guys love to make babies just not care for them, is only partly true, what do you do when you want to care for your kid, but she keeps you away from your kid, only because she saw your equipment as a meal ticket.

Any mile, fires seem to be easing, but its not done yet.

Half of AyreWolf Aviation’ crew headed into California, two units into Utah, and one off to Canada.

Finally plans are back in gear for a 2015 Super AyreShow to be held in Utah, details at 22:00.

L8R Aviators, just remember when your looking for dependable TV and or Radio, be thankful You have HazzardAyre.


Quote of the Day:
True friends stay friends.
Isaiah 26:3“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”

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