Monday, December 24, 2012

We all have a Facebook thing, but not being able to contact is bad


In today’s ecommerce society we all have a Facebook account. This interaction is a good thing, but hey why did I get blocked?

Sure you can go through FaseMash’s automated Q&A , but what if your problem is not there? Okay, ya’ll do a search, if your problem is still not answered , then what.

Here’s the thing, the idiotic hardly dry behind the ears FaceMash bunch blocked me from adding friends or sending messages. One answer I know a few I didn’t, but hey they asked me to be their friends. The friend requester decides that they did not like me, but instead of just unfriending me , they blow the noise to FaceMash, and guess what? I’m blocked. What about the gal who stole my alternate email account to open a false FaceBook account. Should she be blocked? Yet you can’t find a piece of the puzzle on a Facebook help page.

Now they say, unless I know a person , don’t ask to be their friend. Shit I don’t ask any way. As a radio personality, I get numerous friend requests, and its because of both my radio and tow business’ that I maintain that FaceMash account. Or I’d pull my account and  tell Facebook to go screw themselves.

Ever try to delete a Facebook account?

It’s a all day thing. I watched a rebroadcast of that special on cnbc on Facebook. There was this one gal, that wanted to drop Facebook all together, and the real pain in the six it took to do so.

It’s a thing of, to get things done in business today , social media is required. The top player yes , unfortunately is Facebook, so I keep the account, but beit Facebook, MySpace, bulls breath, how about a simple phone call, to who your doing business with?

Of course on the messaging thing. Have two new interns for the talent operation(models/on air) here at HazzardAyre/WyldAyre Radio.

The gal showed me her Facebook page, tried to friend her and message her, no block. The funny thing is, she signed me to her friends list on my computer. Yet I can’t communicate? Bull.

What if this was one of my vendors at the MC shop? What if it’s a customer? Advertiser or a new prospect member of the club? I can’t add that person?

While abuse restraints I understand need to be there in our corrupt society, on things like Facebook, have to be there. If you can verify that the person your befriending there really wants to be your friend, why not? FaceMash might be worth a quadzillion dollars, but damn they sure have a bunch to learn about people. And Facebook wants me to be an advertiser? Not in the immediate future.

Gotta get to bed, long day today, cold out, snow north of Jerome. Hope the gal from over Rigby way, calls today.

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Quote of the Day:
Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy.
--Franz Kafka
Luke 2:16-20“So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.”

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