Wednesday, May 8, 2013

When you wake up to a wet bed

pappy's lawg master

You know when you wake up to a wet bed that your day is one that’s better off to stay in bed(after you change the sheets), and go back to sleep.

So it was I awakened to a rather ,moist cover sheet.

This is a result, of the previous night of the Idaho sub charter officers meeting here in Twin Falls Idaho.

When you get 10 Marine aviators together along with two kegs of brew that your mind becomes adrift and your kidneys look for relief.

Even if you do try to get rid of most of it b4 you go to bed, after your mind and body relaxes its flood time.

So while your mind is soaring at 65, 000 feet above the clouds, your body is sailing in piss at 4 feet off the ground.

So you get up, shower , change the bed and retry to get some needed sleep.

The officers had a great meeting, much was discussed and digested. Some resolutions decided, many on the table still. The biggest one is the female body/nose art thing. I am a firm believer in just getting talent from nearby Salt Lake City, they come up do the work, we pay em, and toss em. The officers and some members are a bit put off by this, as many thought lets keep trying to get local talent.

Trouble is as much as I’d like to, the talent is just not available here. If it is, they ain’t going to work for us. I say, break the mold, or gridlock, hire the gals from Urban, let the locals squeal a bit, see it got done , printed and deployed and then some of the locals will mingle in.

As far as on air talent, that’s styll a big thing. Sure I’d like to have a lady co-host. I still am teasing a few , but if they wont come out and help, why try?

We’ll get one about the time the AM Falls station has one and its piping out of ours here. It’s the cat and two bowls thing, it’ll work.

That one I interviewed on Saturday that kept me busy all day, is too timid, despite what she says, the other one who knows? Bottom line, I’m happy with it as it is. Somebody will come out and then it’ll be open season.

I’m going to fly down to Jackpot to see if Cactus Pete’s has an idea on talent, maybe get to solicit within their op, for ads for the fly in, additionally for the 2015 AyreWolvez AyreShow.

I’m hoping against hope maybe, but praying we can get Sue Rogers of Sex With Sue to be at that event . Sue is going to be coming on board on both HazzardAyre/Dixie-Diesel Radio as well as on WyldAyre Radio.

She sent me some podcast runs, only no hyper links so couldn’t download, maybe I can get her to copy some on a cd and send them that way.

Why is this a big thing?

For many questions of the biggest most pleasurable, and intimate thing we do is share love experiences with someone we care about. A bad sex life, is just a bad life. In marriage if your doing things wrong, she’s going to pee-owed, grumpy and hard to get along with. The old saying, if mama ain’t happy, nobody is happy. Likewise, if Daddy, ain’t getting his needs met, he’s looking elsewhere, and that can create more problems than a long tailed cat in a room full of rockin chairs. Divorce, or just cheating, is going to be bad news. The more we know about not only how our bodies work in this regard the better we can perform. Guys have no idea as to female body parts. Many girls and even young to older women, have never given their all to a man. Knowledge is key.

Sue’s book and I wish I still had my copy, of Quivering Jello, is one of the best pocket books you’ll ever read. Sue’s advice is spot on, and now with a local sponsor we can deliver this in its entirety. So Sue if you get a chance to read this, need those segments you sent me on a cd if you can and copies of Quivering Jello.

I think my beds dry so I’m taking a Wolf nap, so I’ll see ya’ll this afternoon on WyldAyre Radio.

L8R Aviators


Colossians 4:5-6“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”

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