Thursday, March 1, 2012

To cold to fly today, me home sunggy

a new ayrewolves blog header[2]a-8 daily breefs header-1[2]

The great nicotine withdrawal of two weeks finally ended this morning as it is the 1st of March 2012. With snow overcast and really gooey conditions it’s a great day to sit at home grounded in front of a TV watching videos of fighting aircraft, upgrading your studying on uprating your flying rating, or kicking back with the new printed version of this blog, WyldAyre and being tuned into the radio with AyreWolf Radio.

Speaking of, saw that Craig’s list stifled one our postings. The rest are holding, but I ain’t worried anyway. Simply that if any more people apply to be on air people, I’d have to turn em away. Many have applied but only two, so far are even in the baseball park. and the reservation for Nurse GoodBody, leaves only 3 openings. Of those I often find, I get the same tune being played. I’m interested but don’t have any experience. Which I’m sympathetic to. Since in both flying and toewing. I had that same catch 22 thrown at me as a youth. Or at least a younger Wolf Pup. How to get that experience if no one will put you in the air or on the road. But in both trucking and flying there are schools.

With radio and/or TV broadcasting there are not any. At least on the none 4 year communications degree method.

Back when I started I was lucky, I had two of the best mentors in the business bar none. Kelly Klass of KEZJ FM in Twin Falls, and Country Joe or CJ from KSOP 104.3 Salt Lake City. There was also a licensing process for on air talent. Of course that no longer applies but back then there was. You had to get what was called a FCC Radio Telephone, Operators License with element 9 broadcast endorsement. Which meant going to an examination center in Boise, taking a 100 question three page test, with another 50 questions mostly engineering test for element 9.

I passed that and three years later uprated that to a 1st class license. Today that is no longer required.

Back then too and from what research I have done no longer exists and not much info on it, but in the mid 70’s to mid 80’s there was a school in Salt Lake City called the Ron Bailey Western School of Broadcasting, Combined with of all things a nursing medical school.

You went in, paid the $3,000.00 tuition and came out with at least entry level skills, that enabled you to go into a studio and go on air.

I graduated that in 1988.

Today there are no such schools.

Boise State University once offered a Vo-Tech version of such a thing, but their view was why? There is no apparent need. Thing is even with automated, recorded and satellite download programming, even XM/Sirius there still needs to be someone in that cockpit drivers seat of that radio show doing that show.

If you tune into radio much outside of us, true LIVE radio is a go to work, or going home from work version of LIVE radio, but little else.

That’s one illness of the medium we’re trying to cure. By putting live announcers both genders in that cockpit, for 6 hours times 4 every day. In the best case a live two people, in there, call it a pilot and co-pilot of the airwaves. A lady and a guy, preferably one of the AyreWolvez and a call her a she wolf, barking up music and other nonsense to keep ya’ll informed and entertained. But with little to no, talent pools to fish from were do you cast a line to snag that talent?

Once again the Knytes-of-Anarchy gets involved. Yes it is in a way selfish. Since a school ran by us would teach broadcast basics to put in the studio. Plus offering our talent to other stations. This way there is no 60 day probation period where there is no revenue, flowing. Both from us to that talent or talent not making any cash and bugging out.

A school means, students pay a $3,000.00 tuition fee. Come to class in the evenings, We teach the basics, judge the ability, personality, and aptitude. Then have a ready source of talent to put on the air. The student/talent goes on making a better than average wage of $40.00 an hour, making back that $3,000.00 . However if they bug out, or can’t get er done, then at least we make something for the frustration of teaching.

Some of these skills would also be useful for those in the acting and/or modeling bizz, since they would have the vocalization skills.

Right now we are looking at Twin Falls as well as Pocatello for the location for the schools.

Keep a Wolf-Eye here for details.

But overall this would usher in a new wave of potential talent and change the status quo of radio.

As for TV? Have you seen the talent that local TV stations in small markets such as ours here in Idaho have?  It’s a fracking joke. You get people of both genders who can’t talk, much , can’t gather information on a story very well and leaving you with the question of what really happened?

A bit of news broadcasting delivery training would help ease that problem.

Of course radio and or TV talent is kinda like sending out a hunting dog. Some dogs just know. They have that instinct that makes them true hunting dogs. Then there are those that you need to train. Of those, the ones with the natural ability will do better than those that need training. But at least most of those you train can still tree a coon, in time.

Last but not least.

Have a gal who is rolling down here this afternoon for an impromptu interview. from the Boise area. Here’s what boggles the mind. Here is a gal of 30 something, willing to train and go on air. To meet with a guy (me) who she does not know, and even willing to relocate. From 150 miles one way. Yet only two from the Tragic Valley has inquired.

What does that mean?

That on tomorrows edition of WyldAyre.

L8R Aviators,


Quote of the Day:
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
--Winston Churchill
Psalm 73:25-26“Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”

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