Saturday, June 22, 2013

Another Saturday of rest before the big bang of Sunday

wyldayre cover hedderPAPPY'S AYRE LAWG

Once again its Saturday, as such I’m awake tending to duty in the studio.

As I watched some idiotic TV show for youth that’s bible based I wondered, fine with the bible teaching, but how much of that can be absorbed by a 10 years or under youth?

Second, they did a thing on the Civil War, yes our great intrusion into the south of the northern Yankees. The piece was filled with all the Yankee bullstuff about that war being of slavery and racism. Enough with this the big war was based on the northern oppression of the north on southern states. Something that is happening all over the nation by the way, no matter what end of it you hail from. Didn’t we tell ya’ll this at the church?

Then came a slight blurb about Trucker Buddy, a program of education, getting kids around big trucks, and doing things like learning geography, math and such. Great but what I hate is this and it goes right to the core of the entire club. Both the Knytes-of-Anarchy and the AyreWolvez started as or in a group of young heavy freight haulers, called the TeenAge Truckers Association 4-H club. should we not be given credit here for something WE STARTED , FIRST !!!! As such , like that wonderful group of young farmers called the Future Farmers of America, the club along with our parent organization the United American Independent Truckers Association, is going to reignite the TTA, as the Future Truckers Association. Watch for more on that on Dixie Diesel Trucker TV.

By the same idea, how about a thing for young aviation enthusiasts. Sure EAA has something called the Young Eagles, but chapters are not wide spread, and EAA’s budget is a bit leaner due to having to pay for Tower control at airshows. the FAA says uncle Obama ain’t paying for that any more.

So the AyreWolvez are looking into something along the lines of the Young Wolvez, or Wolf-Pup’s Association. Bringing kids together to the interests of flying both light sport ex aircraft as well as our treasured Warbyrds and Helicopters. Watch for more on that on WyldAyre TV.

Now before I I get off here, got a blurb, from a renowned nose art graphics artist who will be in our area in mid August, to do custom old style lady cladded graphics on aircraft. So in that, we really need to unpack our bags here and dig up honeys for money to model for this guy. Which is something I’m going out to do Monday, likewise get in touch with the mall here to see if we can do a precasting and such gig, for Miss AyreWolf and the SheWolvez. Yes this is a delicate thing, I don’t like it and yes I’ll put out some noise on this to some agencies, but lets see if we can find some new blood.

Any mile need to get dressed , fetch snuff, and grub, and get things together so I can snooze to be in your ears overnight on HazzardAyre. On that WyldAyre Radio returns in October, as we’re working on a new place studio wise in both Jerome and here in Twin Falls.

L8R Aviators.


Quote of the Day:
Light travels faster than sound so some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
--Joe Messmore
Psalm 121:7-8“The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”

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