Wednesday, November 29, 2023

In the Uk, it's ministries in the U.s. it's a department. why can' there be just one title ?

When it comes to the similarities of words it boggles the mind. Of course in biblical times it was by his mighty hand that some were babbled. Think Babylonia . The aim that one cect . Could not communicate wit another. Jews and Christians Hebrews  were not allowed to know the inner workings of law or religion of the other. Why this confusion and disconnect I have no Idea. But today it's virtually that babble. YOU MIGHT think you have it figured out, but in reality you don't.  Something as simple as one of my cravings. Here in the U.S. it's either leggings or nylons, in the UK it's just tights.. 👄 talk about confusing 😕.  Dern near as bad as when we're recruiting new crew members for our media hub in Gooding Idaho. When I requested nylons the only inquiry was stockings or pantyhose? Shuutte I had no idea that there was a difference all I knew was that pantyhose had underwrites attached and stockings didn't.  The conflict or supposed confliction . Is that while we as mere mortals are not in charge and Kahless is bound and determined to do it his way. It ain't up to us. Not saying that we should blindly follow that's what Church is for. Yet once we find, we are not to question.  Me I  do. I question all of religion. Much of what we as earth dwellers tuck into one pickle jar as religion, is spouted off from people that truly are blind and unknowing. Even the great book says in the latter years there will be many who fancy themselves as messengers of his great Being, yet be nothing more than Parrots . 🦜  just repeating what others say. Like a noisey Magpie on the farm, just making noise without any substance. In essence just ratchetjawing.
While I know there is a God not just believe, still like it was said in one of Charley Daniel's songs, true Jesus did walked on water, but there's a ton of preachets that want to do a little walking too.