Monday, February 27, 2012

Women in the Clouds


Another weekend just about done, and life looking like Utah still is the best destination.

My topic overnight is simply that if one is to search online for such things as bikini’d women posing with aircraft, your results will be few and far between, if there at all. Punch in search terms as hot biker babes and you’ll find 6 pages or better of naked to nearly naked babes stretching over scoots. Nothing against scoot, if it were not for bikes, We’d be nearly broke here. However the other half is, that if it were not for AyreWolf Aviation, we’d not have regained our radio gear, so what to do?

Now then why is it that there are not more racy spicy pics online for that matter women in aviation. Is it that few women fly? Is it that few women that fly have pics of themselves in racy flight suits, or is it that women in aviation has not yet been captured by the web. Once again is this something we as a club need to take on. Once again holding the toddlers by their hand? And to think I don’t get paid for this. Somebody truly needs to pay me.

If you do go sniffing around the cyber forest for females in aviation , you’ll find that the fare is scarce if there at all.

Again the question becomes, Why? More over why us?

The bottom line is, if we as a Wolf Pack is required to shepherd the idiotic sheep, damn it I want credit, better yet cash for what we are doing. A slap on the back is nice but you can’t eat it, can’t wear it and that kind of compensation will not run very well in your aircraft or truck.

Unfortunately the gig requires that we build our own talent agency, build up our own photography studio and then do production.

Again the question becomes , Why us?

Stay Wings Level.

SPD3 (2)Bell Helicopter 525_image 1_thumb

Quote of the Day:
Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.
--Napoleon Hill
1 John 3:18“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”

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