As par for the Cyber Highway, I got several requests from folks that either were following me on Twitter or wants to be friends on FaceBook. First many , not all, but many are posers. That is folks who say they are wanting to be friends, but are spammers from some damn porn site. The next are those trying to sell me something. Why else would anyone follow anybody on a Twitter site for rebel military aviation enthusiasts? More over on the other one for a renegade biker/truckers group? After all the chance of any of them really pledging to be a member of the club, would most likely not make it through the first year of ascension, much less endure the right of passage and or blood oath. Especially girls or women. Not saying none would, but in view of who is local in both Idaho and Utah, few would openly, allow their palms to be sliced open on the dactar knife of honor, place their palms over the eternal flame, much less shake hands in mixing blood with the required 5 of the founding members of the club.
So why follow us?
Is it that they want to get kozy with ye ole Wolf here as my personal shewolf? I don’t think so. Even though I have one of my newly appointed staff looking for a personal sweetie, I have just came to the conclusion, that until I relocate to Utah , mainly Wendover to build the empire there, leaving all of this in the I expect , only time will tell, capable hands of Mello-Yello, and Ronny, (Ron Adams) that the even remote possibility of me finding the just right gal is one in a quadrillion. Let’s face it , there are no Gretchen Wilson
or Debby Ryan,
types in Idaho, at least in rural Idaho. As much as the immediate Twin Falls area has grown, still these simpletons just do not have the IT factor for a personal shewolf. Club SheWolf? Yes, Company SheWolf maybe, even then its a shot in the dark. How many of the applicants that get into the clubs office works etc or even talent tryouts will take the suggestion of the infamous toe(tow) kiss, come in the studio, and without 20 questions on why, are wearing some type of nylon hose both for personal hygiene and sanitary reasons, plus tights and hose just look better on camera. Few that I interview really come into the radio studio on the first or second visit, wearing hose, and just take off shoes, and pt feet , legs in my lap where toes(tows) are in smelling range or just inches from my nose? I can count 4 maybe 5 that have. The first was a gal from Emmett Idaho named Cynthia, never had to be asked. The second was a gal named Toni from Pleasant Grove Utah, who came to an interview, with her step mom no less and during the final interview, had her feet on my chest and toes in hose next to my nose.
Then there are the two I will hold as instant leaders as well as standards that all are measured against. The top, Robin Whitaker, of Rupert Idaho. Who applied after reading an ad in then Farm Times. A two line ad, Robin walked in, I explained what was expected. She went home, put on the shortest short skirt she had, including hose, came back to the shop studio there in Rupert, not only did the toe placement, but went as far as making me kiss those toes in hose for a minimum of 5 minutes. Which is usually the length of time for a photo op to be taken or scene for an ad shot by video cam.
Then of course , there is Ellie May, who read a Craig's List ad, applied, and showed up. Within less than an hour her feet, toes in hose were in front aside and all of me,
We even went as far as promoting the condition, that her toes are sort of webbed. Although many could not tell, I did. Ellie May still remains an consultant, while she moved on to other modeling acting projects. Both of them wanted the fame, and all that came with it. Thing is both HazzardAyre/AyreWolf Radio is very small compared to say Howard Stern’ show. But remember Howard Stern’ show was very small at first. His success came because he connected with Robin Quivers who became his senior producer, which is why even those I hire for my producers , I go through the toes in hose bit, even though they may not be on camera talent, the female applicant that comes in the office, and does the toes in hose against my nose bit without urging, is the one, I know will have the ability to do, handle and gain success in any task I and or the club assigns them.
The toes in hose against my nose is somewhat the same as the blood oath for AyreWolvez/Knytes members.
As I wrap up for tonight want to pass this along.
Is it a feature? Or a in newscast PAID promo?
Dig this, saw on FoX – 35’s news the other night, showing off choice home properties. Did a Real Estate Company, pay FoX 35 to air these? Is there ad revenue that low? Here’s a solution FoX 35. And KPVI, 6. Don’t slam the door on potential advertisers just because their moral standards are a bit different than yours. Same thing goes to Cable-One Advertising of Eastern Idaho.
Local news, on TV? No choice. Except for now.
That in my next entry. Gotta get on the air.
L8R Aviators,
Quote of the Day:
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything
Romans 8:35,37“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |