Has the south lost its way too? Have those who proclaim to be rebels and Confederates, are more mainstream than they say they are? I am beginning to think so. The SOCV proclaims be busting butt to regain our Confederate Southern Heritage, but most of what they are doing is lip service. Another kept me on hold for nearly a month. The list goes on, but ya’ll can’t fault our Confederate, Hazzard style tenacity. No body, and I MEAN NO BODY is doing for the Confederate Movement what the Knytes-of-Anarchy do. Nor has anyone risked both jail, public humiliation and more to get done what needs to be done, to make our Southern Confederate values and visions come to life again.
There is no doubt that we have accomplished a lot. But more needs to be done. I suppose that there are those that criticize the fact that what they see on TV on the Dukes, we bring to reality as an organization. There are those that have trouble handling our racy pics and even our straight to the hilt ways of talking and or writing. The simple fact is. The USA is only going to be saved at least on Earth, by the CSA, and the UCSA is one of the cores of the Knytes-of-Anarchy. That’s why we are on the air every hour on the hour on terrestrial radio delivering that message.
Just like it is with many other things, if its going to get done, the only ones that can and will do it, more over IS DOING IT, is the Knytes-of-Anarchy. The thing that urks me is this. There are many who copy, try to duplicate, and shun us. Even shut the door on us. But at the end of most weeks, those same people are again, duplicating, copying, and trying to do what we do, but have not the grit nor ability to do what we do. For that Knytes, you my fellow Knytes-of-Anarchy members, ya’ll can be proud. Look we have been at the fight for the resurrection of the Confederate South since 1973, we have been flying all Confederate and southern flags, at our homes, shops, stores, and offices since 1973. We are the only ones that put the Confederate National Party on the books, as a political party that someone can run on and get elected on. We did this through sacrifice, rallies, and hours and hours of work sweat, and even being bullied. Again ya’ll should be proud . We have operations in both Utah and Wyoming, to get the CNP on their electoral books as well.
Look we lost steam in 2006 when we lost allot of radio gear, and dignity in Evanston, through some of my own trusting nature. But not only myself ,but ya’ll have began to bridge those troubled waters, we have regained 5 of those radio licenses, with two more pending. The Confederate-Star/HazzardAyre Network, is regaining traction. We have a new none member soon to be member and a SheWolf employee in the club, through Mello-Yello, the ball is now in play, and as one of your executive officers, I pledge to keep working on your behalf. At least as much as I can when I’m off duty going toewing or flying in my own company.
Even though Ray and his bunch declined to to become affiliated with us, still we will not be denied. Or give up, because no matter what, we always succeed. Its just our nature, both because of the spirit that was launched in us from a TV show in 1973 to making it reality today. We have continued to not only lead the fight for Southern Confederate rights and lifestyle, but command that fight.
Maybe its the other adopted lifestyle of the Sons of Anarchy which we have remodeled as our own. So to those of the SOCV, Ray and those of disbelief or alienation , fine. We’re still busting butt to make what President Davis, Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson and others including many of my own kin who fought in that war in the Confederate Marines’ dreams and aspirations come true.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the Day:
Commonsense and good nature will do a lot to make the pilgrimage of life not too difficult.
--William Somerset Maugham
John 13:34-35““A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |