I had the chance yesterday to get ahold of the bible of bikers, (EasyRiders) and found one shocking, well maybe not shocking, but typical, that no one was at the office there in California, on Friday’s. I always think about that and then look at the business working of us here at the Knytes-of-Anarchy and find that the reason or at least one big reason we are doing as good as we are, is simply, that the KOA, is always at work. Weekends, long days, into late evening, you’ll find the staff, and officers busy working on your behalf.
The question I ask is, why can’t the rest of the nation get it in their head that the reason our ec0onomy is near dead, is that many of our workers, in fact population are still struck in awe of things 911, etc and as such. Nobody wants to go to work. The few that do, only do as much as they can for what they can get out of it wage wise, go home, roll up in the ball, and hibernate. Nobody , well can’t say nobody, cuzz we in the Knytes are always looking to do things, but few of anybody else is looking beyond wages to making a mark on society, but again, that’s what separates, the Knytes(knights) from the peasants.
Now here is a squeezer.
Two days ago I inquired to a associated talent firm in SLC, for on air and visual for the web site and TV ads.
The fact that this talent agency is 150 miles one way from us, based out of state, and used to cast the supporting cast for Touched by an Angel, is willing to work with us, and yet, there is no one local that’ll get off their ass and pull their LDS head out of their ass’ to sit in the command chair of HazzardAyre Radio, is one of those marvels of nature. And yet Governor Butch Otter, wonders why even though big factories move in they don’t stay long. More over why the biggest business in Idaho is U-Haul, since all too many are moving out. The fact that a company built on the shoulders of a MILITARY AVIATION enthusiasts club, has survived and prospered, yet has to constantly hire talent and gain other human resources from out of state, and yet I hear people barking about how bad it is to find a job here is.
Of course I hear that all over. And the other thing I hear is simply, there are tech firms, with millions of high paying jobs open, yet can’t be filled as there are few if any people walking in the door with the skills to do these jobs.
Even jobs like towing.
I read in my latest edition of FootNotes of where are we going to find the next generation of towing operators? Where are the next crew of auto and diesel techs coming from?
As many of us older techs and aviators, seek retirement, and leave the job market, it is very spooky of where and who will fly, who will turn wrenches and late at nite or early morning when old snow storm blows and folks need toews, whose going to be there to answer the call.
Sure metro areas can automate even have vehicle rescue units, that will go and fetch rides in the city when they puke, but can you imagine how long that kind of thing will take to find Idaho, or vice versa Idaho to find that? Yet where will the new Tow jockies come from?
Their not teaching these skills in schools, their not teaching these skills in tech colleges, and try and find a Broadcasting Essentials school anywhere in the country?
The latter we here at HazzardAyre are figuring out how to do that. Since no body else is teaching broadcast basics, why not us do it? We bring in those that want to be. They pay $3,K a piece for a 60 day course, we get a talent pool to fish from, and yes make money out of. We’re Looking at Boise or Idaho Falls for the radio school. But why ain’t no one else thought of that?
Us and KBAR, sooner than later.
Stay Tuned,
Quote of the Day:
To create you must quiet your mind. You need a quiet mind so that ideas will have a chance of connecting.
--Eric Maisil
Matthew 22:37-39“Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |