Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What a long day, and it was to be my day off


It’s Wednesday. Wednesday’s are supposed to be my day off to relax, sleep, and recuperate. However for nearly 35 years I have yet to have a full day off from the club. Or what is now HazzardAyre/WyldAyre Radio and TV.

There’s always something that comes up that needs my attention, that the none educated or inexperienced of media things here in the club can’t do. So I get in my little truck , drive 15 miles , get at a project, that can last 3 hours to well over two days. Then come home, but wait my day is not done. There’s also being on call 24/7/365 for my own heavy truck toewing service, as well as for A1.

During the summer, its fly early mornings to afternoon, ridding fields of pests, enhancing crops life and keeping farmers happy. If I get time after that its, trick out a bike or truck, then climb in the studio, overnight doing LIVE over the air radio for every southern fried gear head, long hauler, and Dukes-of-Hazzard Fan.

Of course taking care of the requests of 175,000 members of the Knytes, 54,000 members of the AyreWolvez.

Day off? When?

I have yet to take a full vacation without it being work or club related. Even then its when the budget allows, or we can plug someone in the studio to do my shows.

The last time I blew Idaho, and went on an outing was to Las Vegas in 1989, to the SEMA show.

I have went to NAB every other year, but that’s work related. Would have went this year, except I didn’t have some arm candy to go to  be a liaison to attend dinners lectures, etc with. Or to hot foot it around to various vendors to fetch information or arrange meetings. Plus with getting HazzardAyre about to go into the sky, on its own channel on XM/Sirius, who had time. Okay then I got a jingle from a former applicant about the fact that I have a mini studio at home and that might be one of our problems.

The reason the studio is here in my house is that up to this point there was not a need to put it elsewhere. At night when I’m live, its just as easy to put on my shorts, and do the show. Between Internet and Studio Transmitter Link, STL, to Buhl, its as easy for me to do it here at home, but its no where kinky. Just convenient.

Years ago, radio stations had to be in big buildings, bigger studios. Equipment was full of tubes, the transmitter was the size of a stand up freezer and again vacuum tubes the size of large zucchinis. Today equipment is near plug & play, is mini in size, transmitters are two rack size and a studio can be in a bedroom, or even a kitchen. With smartphones and all a personality can send in music from the internet. A show can also be on air even visually through an Internet stream, sure there’s no snuggling via me caressing some gals peds. But hey that’s a comedy bit. Every day programs can be done from two places yet seem to be in the same place and You think its all here, and local. I have a gal that lives in Salt Lake City, she calls in 30 minutes prior to air, gets on line, I get my camera on, and she looks at me while I look at her. We do two hours of radio.

If I want to be less formal, I get in my gym shorts, get my coffee , my skoal, and we are on air together. If truth be known I can even do the show buck ass’d naked and YOU would never know it.

That said, even with the new studio about to get revamped and new gear put in, I’ll do my afternoon show there, but my overnight show unless there’s a reason, I’ll still do the show from my bedroom , via STL from Twin Falls, to Buhl, the over the air, Internet etc to you. But I don’t need to be there.

We now have two people to go in, push buttons in Buhl to do the physical work , so unless I really need to be , I ain’t there.

Of course we are still looking for over the air in studio jocks or personalities as its PC to say these days. Like Emma says in one of her songs, some things are too PC, just play that song. And we do .

I’m still pissd at a bunch of area women, who thought rolling into the Wolf’s Den to be on radio or at least Intern here was a spooky gig, is just well piss’s me off.

I am a devout southern bred confederate Christian. I read my bible at least three times daily, I preach in a church, just what part of something being spooky here is there? For damn sake people get over your paranoia.

L8R I’ll get into Hazzard National, aka DukesFest West.

Before I go want to put something into your noggin.

We all know the Bible is Gods word that I fully believe, but why did it just stop at Revelations? There surly was many more chapters and much more that could have been written. So why wasn’t there? How about that mysterious 3rd Timothy? How about the wife before Eve that God gave Adam? How about a chapter of what happened during the youth and teen years of Jesus? About expanding that thing on the Asher Pole?

Is there more out there? If it was written would Christians read it?

L8R Ya’ll I need a shower.

L8R Aviators,

personal3HC AYREWOLVEZ WINGS NORMAL_thumb_thumb_thumb

Quote of the Day:
Theirs not to reason why, Their’s but to do and die...
--Alfred, Lord TENNYSON
Romans 5:6-8“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

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