Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Phooey on TOS, we need real cyber cops and enforcement of law

wyldayre hedderPappys Log hedder

Here’s an idea, a fuzz force for the web. Or call it traffic and rules enforcement for the cyber skyway?

I’d even settle for truth in advertising. Both online and dang well TV. All of these products and cons for $19.99 , why not say $20.00 plus another $10.00 to ship and do the paper work? Be honest.

It’s like on both Yahoo and Facebook. One gets those offers in the banner on the side for you to be able to meet thousands of singles free. Bulls breath , ya’ll ain't meeting nobody, unless you dig out your credit card or pony up money for a $100.00 to join their service. Why not say, you need to sign up for their service and pay money up front, b4 you meet someone.

My advisors here in the club, always accuse me of getting the milking machine b4 the cow. I’ll focus on the cream rather than the milk, rather what needs done first. Hey licking the icing spoon is always preferable to stirring the flour and cake mix. But both need be done to make the cake.

Booking talent for DukesFest West is one thing, going out to the fairgrounds in the cold is another. Marking off display and vendor areas, cleaning the bleachers, rounding up the food, but hey doing auditions for the photo talent for the ads for DukesFest, or calling Jeff to get Emma here for a concert, well I’d rather delegate that to another. But alas I need to do it.

That all being said, how about a highway patrol for the web? Let’s stop these con artists from imposing on us, products and services that are just barely legal, if legal at all on us. That way if you do click on something, the it or offer IS what it IS, rather than a front for something much worse or expensive.

Until L8R


Quote of the Day:
I never put on a pair of shoes until I've worn them for five years.
--Samuel Goldwyn
Romans 5:6-8“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

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