I had a question asked whilest I was down an the honky tonk grabbing a brew. The question was about the radio gig, the inquiry was why is WyldAyre and HazzardAyre better off than so many others like it or radio stations all over have a battle, yet we expand and improve at warp speed.
Whilest we might not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier, still both programs of ours here are kicking butt because everybody involved is firmly dedicated to it. This is why all new people wanting on board are put through a rigorous internship of 6 months without one dime being paid. Thing is if the pass the prospect period, those wages are included in their paychecks later. But that’s another subject.
Many involved in what is formally called the Confederate Star/Southern Steele Radio Network, have been here all 35 years I have been. Many region pioneers and experts are on the board. Some legendary radio people from Wooly Waldron formally of KCPX AM1320, to Country Joe of KSOP FM are on the board of the network and advisors to both HazzardAyre/WyldAyre Radio.
Other reasons go from that we are really pioneers in our own right, fully independent from any network or corporate entity except our own. Our tower and antenna was put in place in 1976, the only full 1,000 foot broadcast tower in Idaho. That antenna now has two siblings with it a 500 footer for the AM and another 500 footer for the upcoming TV station to be engaged in 2016.
Other reasons we have prospered is that we don’t have a bunch of stock holders, or outsiders telling what we can or can’t air. If I hear an artist I think has the IT factor like Emma Leigh, I’ll put it on, Even though the local LDS bunch might not cotton to it. We don’t care. Our station is and has always been geared to and of the fight the system, fight the majority and play music and do radio the way the people want it. We do ours southern fried, confederate, Hazzard County style. And that’s the answer. Now then, as much as I’d like to write , I need vittles, a shower and some zz’s so I can be on air overnight, see all then.
Okay alrighty then one last item. Had a question on our early morning edition, about whether or not , do I think, Emma will infact come out for our DukesFest? Can’t answer, as haven’t got confirmation from her manager, yet but I’m truly praying she will.
L8R Aviators.
Quote of the Day:
Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.
--Napoleon Hill
Romans 5:6-8“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |