Sunday, April 21, 2013

No I’m not pickin on RFDTV


I got this on an email during my last music set.

Something that I’m always picking on RFDTV, hey I’m not picking on them to be mean its because I see RFDTV as both a media resource that has so much potential , yet miss’ the call of duty, due to some deep seated something of our op isn’t family friendly as RFDTV is.

So lets quickly explore this here.

HazzardAyre by its very name is VERY FAMILY FRIENDLY!! Hey we are based on the values of the Dukes. Okay so the Dukes had Daisy, and yes were always on the fringe of the law, (remind ya’ll of anybody?) but really weren’t nasty.

The Dukes could be watched by every member of the family. Unlike the cookie cutter TV shows being cranked out today.

I can remember when Sons came out few knew of it, the rest feared it and yet Son’s has became the most watched series ever on TV, not just me saying that, check the demo, surveys of nights that Sons runs in the winter.

Just like the Dukes and the Son’s we are border line, yet I’d never think we were so off center morals wise that some kid at 8 years old couldn’t watch it, much less some housewife.

Getting back to RFDTV.

There’s good stuff on their sibling FamilyNet that is great, but weekends outside of about 3 shows sucks. Yet RFDTV’s FamilyNet could be a grand slam hitter if only Patrick and crew would pull their heads out.

So in closing so I can get back on air, no I’m not picking on RFDTV, I’m trying to get the stubborn mule to move in the right direction. Stop running all this damn Polka music junk, and lets let the mule kick ass.

L8R Ya’ll


Perhaps the Club and I should get paid for this?


The guys and I were chatting over a few brews here after church this afternoon, I showed two of them the threat email I got from this Christy Ross, the club said just let her stir crap up, all we did was give her the chance to train for an upcoming job, but no promises. It’s not like someone is going to walk in here with on air radio experience. Many just don’t know how to sit down, in front of a control board, mix music , do comedy, read news and ad copy, much less write it. I say go ahead, call the Feds, does she know that one of the Knytes members IS A FED!! That’s right a district FBI agent, so bark all you want lady.

But it is sad in a way that there isn’t a training school for radio, without going through a communications major at a 4 year college.

Back when I started in the business I was lucky, not only did I get instruction from some of the best in the business, but there was a mini training school in Utah, supported by KSOP there called the Ron Bailey Western School of Broadcasting. I went, got my certificate, but thing is I was the only one with an FCC license.

Today there are none of these schools.

The thought is, who wants to be a radio personality? Why? Radio is computerized, its syndicated and most programs are generated from back east.

What these doomsayers don’t think is, somebody has to be that voice.

From XM/Sirius to local radio LIVE radio is on an upswing. Why not put up a school that teaches basic broadcast fundamentals? Basic radio and/or TV skills?

That way instead of catching hell all the time, or having to put people on the club’s payroll , these same people can pay us the $3,000.00 for 90 days of instruction.

In closing, with some people and ambitions, there are days, you can’t shift into second, even if you double clutch it.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Men achieve a certain greatness unawares, when working to another aim.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
John 10:28-30“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.””

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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The Costs of success

Pappys Log hedder

In every media career there is the cost of success.

Lets call them Hecklers.

They get online, talk to your associates, make unfounded claims, and yet they in reality don’t know anything, they’re pissed that you gave them the finger , hired others, now making pay checks and the gig they shoved aside, the operation they could not get themselves to enter because going into someone’s house was creepy, is now blooming in three locations, beside that house.

This persons name in Twin Falls Idaho, is Christy Ross, she loves to enter into my business anytime I or the club that has access to my CL account, to post want ads. She feels the need to immediately call my Trustee’s wife and say he’s on CL again. I think there’s something legally here I can do to shut her I’m looking into it.

Now if someone looks at my stuff here in Twin, Falls they’d think I’m dirt poor. Guess what ? I ain’t thing is my little truck I love, I have built that little truck from ground up. I know every slight squeak, every noise. With now 300,000 miles I’m in the redux mode with it, but damn it the Wolf-PuP ain’t junk. Second LexiBelle, >>>aREBELLEXIBELLEtry pulling her away from me, and you’ll die trying. With 1, million 300,000 miles on her, she’s pulled everything and everyone, from Evil Kneevil from the base of the Snake River Canyon, yes that jump, that’s where Twin Falls is, ya’ll. LexiBelle has pulled rides of Bruce Willis, Adam West and the list goes on, can your Toyota mini van say that? I could go on, but if this Christy Ross wants to keep barking, I’ll just talk to our family’s attorney and file suit. Then she can clean other houses. No wonder her old man lives in Kimberly and left her, whew.

But I’ve heard that success can breed both contempt, and jealous actions, which is one reason I live like I do. Its called being humble.  Wasn’t it in Mathew that it says, it’ll be harder for a rich man to enter Heaven than a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. In essence, I’m just a servant of God. I serve my King, if I’m not greasing the wheels of my own company, or serving the club doing duty on this radio station, I’m over at A1 doing whatever menial job he wants me to do. This way I can watch and learn from someone that knows maybe things I don’t. More over its something to do, that’s constructive. Working in Big C’s shop, lets me work off mads so I don’t go out and beat the cat turd out people that crawl under my skin like a June bug’s bite.

I’ve talked with many of my friends from John to Ben, as well as Larry, for years you struggle to make it, and just as you start to scratch the crest, people that ignored you come out of the woodwork. Hey God says I gotta forgive so I do, but Miss Christy Ross, I don’t forget.

RFDTV, is running some very old programs this weekend.

Saw some runs from programs aimed at near Christmas. Really aren’t we a bit early this year.

In closing, HazzardAyre Radio is no doubt the most radical, rebel fight the system, unpolitically in correct, radio gig and show in the Mountain West. I gave the Mormons and many others the finger years ago. True what we do might be more accepted in say Georgia, Alabama, or at least south of the Mason/Dixon line. But like Jesus said, preaching to those who already know is a waste of breath, its teaching those who don’t know that is important. Our beloved southern states are but 13. The only saving grace is the south is not only rising , but needs to save the rest of the union, and that’s the Knytes job. And as a servant of God and a proud officer of the Knytes which includes both the AyreWolvez and the Winged Warriors, its my duty to do what I can.

And oh yes Christy, you threatened going to the cFeds, I say please do. Then you’ll give me one more thing to add to the law suit. Remember too , you came to me, not the other way around.

L8R Ya’ll

HC AYREWOLVEZ WINGS NORMAL_thumb_thumb_thumb personal3

Quote of the Day:
Men achieve a certain greatness unawares, when working to another aim.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
John 10:28-30“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.””

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
Hazzard County AyreWolvez Banner  REBEL TAIL 3

Enter in the Wolf


Something that I have been keeping from many of you, my loyal readers is a thing we here at AyreWolf Aviation have been working on for about 8 months now.

While things Hazzard County and Dukes will be maintained through Hazzard County Choppers, sadly its rapidly becoming a need to let Dixie Toewing sleep. So we can now shed some light on the new name and all.

Enter in: BlackWolf Toewing>>>bwt door knob The BlackWolf thing is a combining of us as once BlackSheep, and AyreWolf, together.

The colors are still being worked on, but there’s been a need and its on its way.

BlackWolf Toewing will begin to serve eastern Idaho in June from American Falls, with terminals and yards in Grace, Soda Springs, Montpelier, Idaho. As well as in Blackfoot and Springfield Idaho.

BlackWolf will start serving the eastern half of Utah from Morgan to Coalville Utah, in February of next year. With the greater treasure valley area meaning Boise, to Sand Hollow, from Emmett Idaho.

The common threads? Hazzard County Choppers building old skool hot rods, classic trucks including OTR rigs, as well as classic iron Harleys. The other common thread? Of course us here at AyreWolf Aviation.

So be watching here for more in coming months.

Until L8R as I need sleep for Church, so I don’t sleep in Church.

Stay Tuned, remember we fly for Dixie.

awavi logo new 1my blog sig

Quote of the Day:
I went to a fight the other night and a hockey game broke out.
--Rodney Dangerfield
John 10:28-30“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.””

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

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bwt door knob

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Interactive TV would be nice then you could ask, who is that old lady on the infomercial?


In review of this years NAB convention in Lost Wages Nevada, there was hype about truly interactive TV. Which might suggest a great thing for TV, real LIVE TV. Meaning actors, sitcoms etc would have real LIVE people.

The technology to immediately view and chat with someone there on the spot, would be ideal.

LIVE cameras on 24.7 both ways, they could see you, you could see them in real time. Okay great, cept, I’d hate it if I was on the crapper watching TV, and some sweet news gal came on. She could see YOU pinching one off. We could call it poop TV. Many news outfits have that now, CNN, FoX News etc. But only when you let em. The concept will be when they want. OOps maybe I need to buy new underwear. These shorts are to go to church in as they’re so holey.

Of course there’s those damn infomercials. Can you imagine sitting there scrunching down your Cheetos and watching and saying hey, get that old lady off of the Omega XL ads. She maybe done with aches and pains, but still looks like she ain’t had a bowel movement in a month. Put the hot blonde on.

Or those ProActive ads, hell yes I’d like to talk it up with some of the so called users of the stuff. I must say, on ProActive, many of those gals look better because they put on some make up and eye shadow and look good because of the $100.00 makeover they gave em before the recording of the infomercial and ads.

I remember when there was REAL LIVE TV, sitcoms and variety shows, when people laughed it was real, not some laugh track. About the closest thing they have now is the Tonight Show which ain’t gonna be anything now that Jay Leno is no longer on there. Best unearth Jack Parr, that’s all that’s going to fix that mess.

It’s like the local cable company here. While the local officers here don’t control everything, you’d think they’d use their brains. Cable-One in Pocatello, is the champion of Cable One. Despite Cable-One Advertising that really sucks since they thump the good book but sin so much its sick, Cable-One does something great in Pocatello, Access12 is what its called now, and is a great resource. Thing is, why can’t that be done here in Twin Falls? There’s what 5 or 6 last count, of channels no longer in use. 6 went dark after FoX was sold to 11, and KPVI gave up on Twin Falls, KSL no longer gets piped in, on ch-9, and forbids anything like our church from running their channels.

Try to get a straight answer out of the manager there or a call back, really? Never has happened yet.

That’s a subject for a different time.

I tried to get something on the order of calling their HQ in Arizona, but got a cold ear. There needs to be a serious remove and replace on the staff here in Twin Falls. You know that ad with the gal in the near hospital whites, that sezz , “It just makes Common Sense, doing some house cleaning at Cable-One’s Twin Falls office would make common sense.

ad tag True interactive TV is no longer possible, TV stations can’t afford it, networks are stumbling,

but then too just makes real common sense, aren’t ya’ll glad YOU have , HazzardAyre.

L8R Aviators,

personal3HC AYREWOLVEZ WINGS NORMAL_thumb_thumb_thumb

Quote of the Day:
When you come to a fork in the road...take it.
--Yogi Berra
John 10:28-30“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.””

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

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a rebel eagleour way

When everything else you hear on the radio bores you, there’s HazzardAyre & KDXB FM

southern wyngs

Before I get it on here, just wanted to roll this by ya’ll.

Last night into early morning I created this new thing on blogger for us rebel aviators, yet for the damnest I could never get it to post right, so in frustration decided to just bring that over here to WyldAyre.

Over the day as you grind it out making a living or at least trying to, ya’ll get bombarded with radio from all sorts of places. Internet radio, podcasts , and even over the air radio. By the time ya’ll get through the peddling of Yankee Union garbage, and lies on everything from Hannity to that Oriley or however its spelled, your purtty much through. Then on the weekends its no more phone in request for a song for that special person, it’s a gall darn computer. No human factor. You’d be hard pressed to hear southern gospel music on OTA radio, at any time, and forget hearing anything on southern heritage history. Nope ya’ll wont except one place, HazzardAyre and KDXB FM 105.7.

You wont hear continuous hits like we do it anywhere, from all forms and styles of music, ya’ll will not hear anything from the Hillbilly Hellcats, StrayCats, or even our darling Emma Leigh, but you hear them here on HazzardAyre.

HazzardAyre runs from 6:00PM(18:00) to 23:00(11:00PM) Monday through Saturday, on Saturday from noon to 17:00 ya’ll hear us here on WyldAyre, and so on. This is the home of anti establishment real fight the system, confederate radio in the Mountain West.

Now back to Wyld Ayre Radio.

L8R Confederate Aviators,

personal3HC AYREWOLVEZ WINGS NORMAL_thumb_thumb_thumb

Quote of the Day:
Progress depends on people knowing they'll be able to profit from their ideas.
--Deborah Neville
1 Corinthians 15:55-57““Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

So you think I’m unAmarican do you?

wyldayre heddersouthern wyngs

Okay, my did I touch a nerve.

Look I’m not unAmerican, I love this land and most everything that’s on it. However I must say this.

If I choose to fly both Old Glory and my Confederate battle flag side by side and someone gets mad at me for it ,

is that not the same kind of discrimination and prejudice?

Both flags I salute, in reality. But Old Glory lost her luster at about the same time, somebody thought it rotten or something for taking the words Under God, out of the pledge of Allegiance.

When they went so far as taking the words In God we trust off our currency, stopped prayer in our schools, let gays marry , you get my point?

And why can’t we sing both anthems at an event, both the Star Spangled Banner as well as our Dixie Anthem?

As far as respect for all of our military, I have way too many friends that I really call friends, from all Branch’ of service. Anyone like myself that puts on a uniform, and swears to defend this nation is a real friend. I wont go as far as saying hero, as in Pappy Boyington’s book, it says, Show me a hero, and I’ll prove he’s a bum.

So no I’m not UnAmerican, but I’m not brimming over with the pride I used to have.

When people call me a destroyer , when someone can’t even bum a guy a can of Skoal, because his military pension is held up somewhere or is late, the list goes on, that’s UnAmerican.

When big companies can’t even look beyond the fact that you got called back into service and missed a payment such as Cable One here did, hey try finding a payment center for Cable-One, in Afghanistan? Think they could put aside that $150.00 and give me cable tv? That’s UnAmerican.

I met a few years ago in Gooding, a sharp and great looking by the way gal whose husband was in the NG, here. She recognized my Marine digs, and came over and sat beside me, and let me for once cry on her shoulder for a few minutes. She went as far as giving me access to her wifi, had coffee with me every morning, gave me encouragement. Her husband treated me as an equal, not just a Marine, but as two people that put on a uniform, more over as people. That’s American.

When this nation gets back to that unification, And we call this nation and mean it the UNITED States of America, you’ll see my hand over my heart for both flags, until then it’s a mild salute, and a hand over my heart for our Dixie flag.

L8R Ya’ll

personal3WWA 1

Quote of the Day:
A thing well said will be wit in all languages.
--John Dryden
1 Corinthians 15:55-57““Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Mending Fences

wyldayre heddersouthern wyngs

Nobody wants to admit they were wrong anytime, but there comes a time when for the good of many an attempt to mend fences is required.

Three years ago, and why I never knew they were there in the first place I’ll never know, but I stumbled upon a website, with streaming audio, called Dixie Broadcasting( So I got it on, and started learning much of what I didn’t know, and that from which my Mom who was a devout Texan Confederate, taught me.

So with these things in mind and my radio project underway I thought this would be a grand project, rebroadcasting what Ray at Dixie Broadcasting was doing online, over the air.

So I made several calls, got things lined up, but then Ray got to thinking perhaps our spicy eye candy was a bit much or something.

At any rate, with this grand union of ours going into the manure pile, there is only two things that’ll save it, one is by the hand of God, and that hand will be our modern Confederacy, yes the CSA, and the fingers of that hand will be both the Sons of Confederate Veterans and us in the Knytes of Anarchy, out of anarchy comes order.

So I’m reaching out in all humility to Ray, and saying hey friend can we let the mistakes go the wayside and work together?

It’s way to early for this, so I’m headed to bed, but hopefully Ray will give me a call(208-212-9653) and we can start to repair the situation.

Until L8R Confederate Aviators, We fly for Dixie.

southern wyngspersonal3

Quote of the Day:
It is a great thing to start life with a small number of really good books which are your very own.
--Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
1 Corinthians 15:55-57““Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Friday, April 19, 2013

I just laugh at JAFOS


I just laugh at civilian JAFOS, for those that don’t know what that means, a JAFO, stands for Just-Another_Fuckin-Observer.

This peanut head started questioning my military service on some damn Facefart page. Wrong thing to do. Something about the Marines not usually flying TomCats. Okay fine that is not the usual ride of a Marine aviator, but every once in awhile, you get the duty of flying anything that flys. Next if anybody knows anything the Marines are the Navy’s red headed step child and many of us flying in both branch's of service, spent all too much time on carriers.

Bottom lining this, I’ve got two eagles that occupy the lapels of my shirts, I made that in short order by flying missions that are not describable. Since many were that of a situation that remains military secrets.

This dillweed didn’t think that there may be extenuating circumstances that I flew the F14, and oh yes the F18, but mostly I spent time in a AV-8, the rest rotor craft.

Then there were those special times between aviators and challenges thinking some of us couldn’t fly this or that, and I never backed down, I took whatever bird was available.

Of course there were opportunities that came doing test flying. Some outfit would build a new plane , I’d do some things and get chances to fly planes that few ever see, much less fly.

But then that’s what we get when we get a JAFO.

L8R Aviators, back to the show.

new ayre sig1awmaa logo2

Quote of the Day:
Fear is something to be moved through, not something to be turned from.
--Peter McWilliams
1 Corinthians 15:20-22“But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.”

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So what’s with the eye candy stuff?

WYLDAYRE HEAD  Thoughts of Flyte Hedder

If you love rain your tickled pink, if you’re a farmer or an aviator, especially one who serves agriculture your getting real cabin fever and cockpit hunger.

Its been very wet across most of America, I don’t think there is anywhere that’s seen fully dry over the last month except for maybe a few days. Meaning no planting, so no need for flyovers dusting crops so I’m on the ground, on the air, as well as 6 and ten wheels toewing. At least it ain’t snowing. I know, don’t jinx it.

Alrighty then as Ace Ventura would say.

There’s a constant bitching of why Confederate Star is looking for women for various promotions, as well as in studio.

Bottom line, genuine Confederate American male corpuscles like women, and southern gals love guys, there ain’t none of this queer crap.

Going further, on our website for our streaming radio, I want something that catches the eye, not bores people. Plus think what would you rather see on a restored vintage warbird, a sultry honey, or a hairy old guy? Or a ten ton Tessie? Any questions.

Plus in studio, like I have said these quarters are very small, I’ll be damned if I’m going to share this studio with some fugdugly fat woman, I want shazam. Now then, sure , Stern’s Robin Quiver is not a fashion model, but she looks okay, and has a snappy personality. Problem around here that combination is just not available.

In Marine and Confederate vernacular, only the best will do, and we want the few, proud and hot, not the many, and fugdugly.

That said, there’s nothing all that kinky , and I’ll be damn if I ‘m going to do the mating up.

Nuff said, I’m outta here, its SHOW TIME!!!

L8R Aviators

personal3WWA 1

Quote of the Day:
The person who is not hungry says that the coconut has a hard shell.
--African Tribal Saying
1 Corinthians 15:20-22“But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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