I said the same thing last year as I do this year, only a few more days until after all the crap over Christmas and the junk of the holidays.
The simple fact that Christmas time for us in reality should be Easter or the resurrection of Jesus rather than his birth is a mistake of the Greeks when they translated the solar calendar from the Hebrews.
Giving gifts, comes from those many honoring the son of Kahless, not each other. Which means instead of going to store after store buying gifts for each other spend or donate an equal amount to a church, or charity.
The commercialism of the holidays, came from the guy who founded Macey’s Department Store in New York, trying to make big bucks during a rather lax time of the year, when money was tight.
Santa Clause came from Montgomery/Ward and Rudolph came from Gene Autry.
Me it just means overtime paychecks to my drivers, of the tow trucks, having to listen to old music from even older people, and having to put up with the rescheduled times of my favorite TV shows.
For the most part , I get to get in a slightly depressed mood because Mom & Dad are not here, resting in the comfort of that pilots ready room in the Heavens, by Kahless’ golden throne. So what do I do? work on club projects. Busy hands eases lonely minds.
So the season of finding tail to be on the clubs visual things, from calendars to the aircraft itself, goes on.
As I explained to one of our members, who thinks its such a pain in the ass to think that so many are able to do this, so many show off elsewhere to degrees we never think of doing, yet for a few hundred bucks, we have a badass time trying to gather 13 gals together to dress in moderate yet hot threads, stand by aircraft and let Canon and Panasonic have fun, in capturing the images. Of course and I know this, getting many to drop a shoe and allow me without the 80 question inquisition to smooch their toes for us using that for promo of going towing playing on the words toe and tow, is a quirky turn off. Hell I even tried to do the thing to myself to get the shot so we could publish it, but I can’t get my leg far enough over my head to try that, my Boss Hogg belly being the handicap there.
Sure one did one year, and the fact that she got turned off and turned away from someone that had no reason to be in the mix of our interns or crew, but our Nurse GoodBody Had no problem letting me fiddle with her sweet toes.
But Ellie May was a one in a zillion, who took adversity and turned into success, even though she is still happily I think married and has three great kids. One who wears a Mohawk hair cut. And oh yes I have been trying to get her to try us on again. Considering outside of product display demonstrations she’s not doing that much for income, right now, and she knows my door is always open to her.
So why is the rest of the female community spooked about getting involved as a Lady of the Knytes or a member of the SheWolvez? You’d have to ask them.
So I put the gig up on Craigslist and on another site , not as many responses as in years prior, is it just us, or that not all gals are as trusting to anyone considering the terroristic events going on, like in Connecticut?
The best way to sell this, is by women talking to other women about it rather than me, that way they truly wont think they’re going to get ate by this big bawd wolf.
And how do we do this better? That in my next entry, plus my weight challenge program at the Twin Falls YMCA.
Quote of the Day:
If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do all the rest have to drown too?
--Steven Wright
Luke 1:30-33“But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |