Good wonderful morning it’s a rainy Saturday here in AyreWolf Kountry, I’m still in recovery mode from our party last night. Of which I was strongly explained to by Helen that ye ole Wolf here was pushing a bit hard on staking claim and wedding bells, although I’m planning more for wedding howls but any flyte, she say kool down, so I is.
After all , she still needs to clear her divorce, we need to find a bigger wolfs den for her and me, and 6 offspring(not-mine) and of course get the radio ops here in bigger more spacious quarters. So she’s at her place, I am at mine so there goes.
Got off air this morning( I know dedicated, but hey AyreWolf FM is my baby) I conceived it, I breathed life into it, and I was there deliver it. For nearly 35 years that February 14, which also is the USMC numbers of the squadron I flew in VMA/214 , was born. Funny things like that happen. Kinda like when cousin Brady set up Southern Eagle Xpress in 2007 , I explained to him, that the initials of the joint company of LTL freight and our ground delivery arm of AyreWolf Aviation here, that Southern Eagle Xpress broken down spells S-E-X , it was not intentional.
Got woken up early in my slumber, by some gal looking into being one of our SheWolvez as we call em, at 08:45 or so, heck I could barely see my cell phone. I know get a watch, I have a good one cept the battery puked need to go fetch one when I get time.
Saying she really is interested , so told her , roll in Monday, and we chat.
As I rolled over, felt something wet and not in a good way. Noticed that I had inadvertently spilled my beer from last night on that part of the bed, cleaned up and now I’m upright. Only until after the party out at Charlies.
Then saw an inbox email, from this Christi, that I think would make a good candidate for the SheWolvez who are the gals ya’ll hear inside the radio, all the time. Any mile says she wondered about the mate thing.
Dig this I did not put the ad for on air on Craigs List to find a wife, okay Helen and I met here that way, and okay, but again not the intention. The simple thing is , there is no longer a central casting or radio personality central data base or such to find on air talent. There is none. As far as model visual, again no agency unless you roll out to Seattle or go to Salt Lake City and if they are there, what gal is coming to podunk Twin Falls to work on a tiny 250,000 watt radio station? Much less show herself off on camera with vintage warbird military aircraft. It flat is not going to happen in the usual method, so you cross your fingers, spit in the wind, and put an ad on Craig’s List, and hope for the best.
But it ain’t to find no mate. Wife, or significant other. Only significant in studio on air as a second and in time first chair in the studio. Off air nuh uh.
Even with Helen, although I was lifted sort of, as I was told, way too much way too early for making a wolfs nest. Although she is Alpha SheWolf, here. As I am Alpha Male Wolf.
On the finding mate thing too, hey if it ain’t me, there if one of the incoming SheWolvez wants to find her a male wolf, one of our AyreWolvez that’s prowling solo, I’m sure can fill the need. After all there are 100 of them here in Idaho, so why not? I do not say no to in pack flirting or getting close. Everybody needs some body. But It’s job first, getting all warm and friendly second. But doing the job is what its all about here.
Okay, watched some thing on TV that showed pop star Brittney Spears, >>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<< is it just me, or has the former Mousekateer put on a few pounds? That dress did her no favors , did it?
Any way need caffeine, nicotine and shave, so headed out.
So B4 all of you single prowling beta shewolvez out there start howling, I’m courting a mate , but hey ya’ll never know. After all the two old adages apply here. Capturing a woman is like trying to hold the wind and two; like their feline companions, they adopt and accept you, not the other way around.
L8R Aviators, TTYL.
and oh yes for those keeping score at home, the TTYL came from the hit
song from Shake it Up TTYL XOX, by Bella Thorne aka CEE
Quote of the Day:
It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress
--Mark Twain
Luke 2:8-11“And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |