As you might have gathered from Monday afternoons broadcast of HazzardAyre Radio. none of the so called super hot gals that said they wanted to be on air talent showed. The few that did, were not Hazzard able so it goes. No big deal, in fact if one would have taken it as serious as I did, I’d have fell over bassackwards. But hey its Union Yankee’s so conservative and scared of their own shadow that they keep their head in the sand and body in their protective shell. This is not a condition that is exclusive to Tragic Valley , although it is a bit too much here than should be. Question is why?
Any mile, so Utah has the same LDS based fears that says, no spice is nice. Heaven forbid. Yet one of the best hot stations in the nation is right in the middle of SLC called KBER or KBEAR 101.1 FM. Similar we were assembling our version of the sugar bears, only we call them SheWolvez. Nough said there.
One would think that the same fears would translate from region to region. But while Utah, mainly SLC is the HQ of the LDS Church, industriousness is more , WELL, industrious in Utah than here.
That said, the day will arrive when those outside of that beehive, think , oops.
That said, I got in touch with two networks today after the failures of the pledged SheWolvez, newbies, and we have the ability to switch off when I need to fetch a tow, or eat etc.
While I can do my 12 hours, a day.
That all out of the way.
When I first entered radio, it was at a time long before Drake Chennault, computerized automation satellite driven radio.
From, 6:00 AM you had Dave Winters and his first call to breakfast, his clanking coffee cup, and cow bell. From 1:00PM to 5:00PM you had Cark Raida , from 6:00 PM you had Bobby Dobbs, and from midnight to 6:00 AM you had at first Pete Arbogast , and me doing news. Pete went to Montana, I slipped in and the rest was history.
In essence there was a live human inside there, doing LIVE radio. If you called the request line, you got in touch with a human who could play the request or dedication. Not some production studio in NYC or Florida feeding everything to the station except going home or going to work time.
Back then there as now at least there was not many training schools. You had it or didn’t. You walked in, filled out a scrap paper(Application) did a air check(audition tape) and the PD(Program Director) took you on or said come back some other time. I had it, did it and honed my skills. Which I still do. In honing my radio skills, built albeit skimpy my own production facility. Then in 1975 some of the TTA(TeenAge Truckers Association ) members said lets use this to do a real station for those pushing a rig hauling freight. Although evolved several times, it was the beginning of Dixie Diesel Radio. Which went syndicated nationwide and still is, and I still do it. But along the way other things entered the fray. KTOW took on more than just OTR trucking radio, or tow-trucker radio, we took on radio for bikers, and because of love of the sky in 2002 took on what we call today AyreWolf Radio, radio for those who love restored and even just the history of vintage and even modern warbird aircraft. Which was copied by a gig out of Virginia called warbird Radio, , copied, but not duplicated.
But it was LIVE radio. Not taped, not automated, but LIVE. There was a person in that radio stations cockpit at all times, if they ran 24-7, or from 06:00 Hours to sunset.
Then came FM, and we as KTOW were on the forefront of how a FM station in Idaho or Mountain West should be ran.
Even then in the house in Hazzard(aka-Hagerman) there were no girls or women that feared coming over to do radio. Then though there was greater risk, since I did not have the age to go to Miss Donnas Ranch, back then if she was hot and let me, it was lets get busy baby.
Today, I couldn’t give a rats ass if she spreads her legs for me. All I care is, she comes in does the gig with me or one of you our male SAMCRO MC/Knytes Of Anarchy(AyreWolvez) Members, shows over, a cup of java to discuss the show and what we will do next time, then she goes, home, so Do I.
Sure we run a sex relationship advice program. But that don’t mean we live that way at the station. Grow the hell up.
Any mile, back in the old days there was more than music and talk on radio. There was drama. Such shows as The Shadow, Green Hornet, SuperMan, BatMan, the Lone Ranger, Fiber Magee and Molly, The Jack Benny show and others, were hits. Sponsored by everything from the latest Buick, to Suds Soap. Radio was the medium, most turned to. Even after TV rolled around.
HazzardAyre wants to go that way too. And we have been looking at going to area school drama departments and having them work up both script writing as well as acting to do modern radio dramas. Its not just Sex, Bikes, Warbirds, trucks, and Confederate radio here. Its radio as it was, here today.
Sadly though, I’m only one person.
I need to eat, fly, sleep, go to the head(bathroom) once in awhile, and like the other night answer the call for a tow truck. In amongst that building a few bikes and/or customs might help too.
My two sweethearts are in sad need of restoration. Even repair. Sure they look and run like shit, I’ll admit it, but when have I had time or place, but mostly time that I can get at that fixing? I’m not a fracking robot.
I have only so much , and when that’s spent I need to rest. 25 years ago, my health and the rest of me could hold up to the go all the time schedule. Today, and in a month, I hit the 53rd lap of the race of life. I get tired , and not so much in a easy going mood. At this point, I’ll keep doing my part of this gig. The station buy is still green , but it will not be the all the time LIVE as it was envisioned.
So many of the feminine gender are spooked to enter the forest of the Wolvez. As such its not radio as it was, its radio as it is today.
A sad thing, but its real.
L8R Aviators
Quote of the Day:
Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.
Deuteronomy 6: 6-7“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |