I have always said our education system and raising of youth in this Union Yankee nation has got to be one of the most idiotic, and absurd than any I have ever heard of.
What part of an ad on Craig’s List, for our biker babes, Lady AyreWolvez poster girls, or on air talent , does not explain fully, that we ARE LOOKING FOR REBEL,EROTIC,EXOTIC, none inhibited females over AGE 21 or better, do they not understand?
I explained this I thought fully this morning on KnyteAyre, that if anyone over age 40 knows anything, knows our club, those that support it and all are as legit as the fact that we have hard winters in Idaho. The fact that things of the club are always of a Hazzard County(Dukes-of-Hazzard) coupled with a Sons of Anarchy attitude. This means if its female in studio, on film, video or print, means its leggy. Moderately family friendly, but still a bit on the spicy, racy side, but healthy so.
Over the years that gals have worked for the club, outside of one, and that was due to , too much brewsky, but none of them have ever gone past getting wild in the hay. It ain’t going to happen.
The fact that our club has been together in both Utah as well as Idaho since 1968, the fact that the Knytes have been together since 1982, the fact that the shop in various forms has been in business since 1977, and anyone that doubts that ye ole Wolf here owned ye ole GEN . Lee, can pick up a phone and call Gooding County Sheriff, Shaun Geoff. He’ll tell them that then , I not only owned the car but spent 90 days in Gooding grand hotel for doing 180 through Hagerman.
While many in media circles fears ye ole wolf, and our programming, is not the best place to look for a reference that would be good. Most grab their ass in both radio and other media outlets. We are the bad guys, in reality the Wolvez in amongst the sheep. I’m not going to apologize for that.
Sure we don’t have the LDS seal of approval.
I say, Which is fine with me. The club has never been anyone’s darlings, but few can challenge the impact as well as the really good things we as a club does, either. Our toy runs, fund raisers for causes, helping where and to a degree few others can, has never been in dispute.
However that said.
I pulled the ads from Craig’s List, except for on air, and will just hire poster girl talent from our other charters in bigger, more open minded places, like California, Arizona etc. Even Nashville.
Now this all said, and you all know this. Once it rolls out on air, in a very few months, there will be lines around two or more blocks from the new studio, downtown, Burley for poster girls. One announcement on air and the phone will be lit.
Likewise, when our new assistant manager who is hitched, with kids from Jerome, whose hubby is able to do engineering duties, is in charge of human resources, then it’ll be easier.
But hey shit happens, then you wipe it off, flush, and go on.
I don’t worry about it any more.
This is on in all ways.
But what I’d like to ask such gals as that Kylie,
“are you that dense? If so why did you bother me?” Thankfully it only cost me $180.00 in two lost toews.
Next time what you see is not necessarily it. The story of wyld Bill.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the Day:
A new study shows that licking the sweat off a frog can cure depression. The down side is, the minute you stop licking, the frog gets depressed again.
--Jay Leno
Deuteronomy 6: 6-7“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |