First of all these LDS socials are aimed more at couples , married people, and children. Next outside of Vern' wife and Dave' wife, I felt totally alone. There was one lady who spoke to me, only when I felt a bit put off, that I didn't get to do the Santa Clause thing. It's another example that after just about a year, the Ward still holds me at arms length, and as yet not fully accepted nor welcomed. They put up with me, but its not the kind of open arms that I'd really feel furthering. Church is one thing, but outside of my rebel and radical friends that are not LDS, this village has yet to say glad your here. Little do they know that I just might be along with the Wolf-Pack, the real restoration of Evansgone. The Primary did a little skit, that was good, but needed more work, in rehearsal, before presentation but what do you do with young children? Of course the food was good, somebody has finally gotten the idea, putting a bit of seasoning in the spuds and all is not a bad idea. The ham could have been cooked a bit longer, but it was good. At first the Bishop wanted me to go fetch someone then reconsidered at the last moment, oh well. Bottom line as much as I push my way in the door, the more the door is slammed shut. This is a study in culture. Not saying that there aren't other LDS Wards that are a bit more progressive and dynamic, there are, this one in Evansgone is not one of them, my problem is I'm stuck in two generational gaps. Too old to socialize with the mid 20 to early 30 crowd, and too young and wyld to socialize and all with the few senior citizens of the Ward. So what do you do? As for me its go to Sacrament meeting , take the sacrament, listen to the program, then get out of there before class or anything else.
Still getting over an overnight SAR mission, did a recovery of a wrecked Ford truck, whose driver overturned up in one of the canyons just over the Wyoming/Utah line, in Rich County Utah. I'm the only towing service certified to cross the state line and work both states. Since Woodruff nor Randolph doesn't have a hook, so off we went. Driver was pronounced dead at the scene. It'll take several days for the news both paper and TV to report it, but hey you read it first, here.
L8R Aviators,