Good morning to many of you on the east coast and a howling morning for you here in the Mountain West.
Over night a few of the Wolf-Pack met here at the Wolf’s Lair, here in Twin Falls Idaho. Conversations came and went on everything from the failure of meeting the goal of having the squadrons reunion in Jackpot Nevada, to the Pin Up Girl project.
While much needs to be defined and refined, still I’m excited to see some serious effort on behalf of all units of the squadron.
As Marine/Navy aviators both still active duty as well as us who are getting gray hairs , in being reassigned(a Marine is never Retired) the oath and commitment of service of this nation and our nations honor to protect does not end with that DD214 form. From the time we were sworn in to the time we fly onto skys of Heaven, we still serve. If not our community, we serve our fellow Marines and sailors. More over all branches of military service. After all in combat it didn’t matter which branch or uniform you wore, as long as you were and are American.
Conflicts will be part of life of Earth nature. Leaders will always be fighting, and agree with the reasons behind the policies being set, its our jobs and our life to carry out that policy. We did it then, we do it now. Sadly the ones of us who wear golden wings are not celebrated as much as those with boots on the ground. That’s what The AyreWolvez are all about, serving and remembering as well as maintaining the honor of us who fly and flew for this nations defense. The AyreWolvez are much more than women on aircraft in a pin up calendar, or an airshow. We are deeper than a radio show or TV program. We are here for you now just like we were there for each other in the air, on ship, or even in basic. But if it takes an airshow, TV show radio network, and yes even a pin up calendar girl project to get the people who don’t look at us with as bright eyes as some other forms of Military service then so be it.
Being more visual and all of that is why the pin up girl thing is all about, giving us a launch point.
We as a squadron have been on the tarmac on building an ultimate military aviation website, and all for nearly 13 years now. The basic hang up has been in finding honey’s that will pose with our birds and helos for photographic projects. Its one thing to howl about what we are doing, its another to show them.
Beyond the pin up calendar the gals we choose now for much of this, is just the stick in the catapult , its bringing our vision to the public. That means County fairs for next year, it means networking with countless military and DOD officials from the VA to DAV, for outreach and readiness programs and so on.
I as your newly elected Executive Commander of The AyreWolvez, I give you my word that, I’ll be even more dedicated than I have been. Even to using my own company as a tool to this end, if there is an end. The only one of that , that I can see , is when nations lay down their arms, and ground the aircraft, at the feet of God almighty.
This however, does not mean that I will not be any less ambitious or loyal to the Knytes-of-Anarchy, since they are part of us as we are part of them, but from the promptings, or omens or what ever you call it, when I put my eyes to the sky, in 2005 there at Morgan County Airfield just outside of Morgan Utah, my life has been in those clouds. Plus lets face it, the AyreWolvez were long before the Knytes.
There’s only so much I can say on a blog, or in print to the cause. But understand we stand for much more than the public can ever know , understand or appreciate. Its our job to raise a spotlight to and of all of our fallen as well as still in the air brothers and sisters, of our Marine and Naval Aviators.
On the subject of our fallen.
Back in 2011 the concept of erecting a wall of honor for all military aviators regardless of branch of service who fly, was brought up. Even back as far as 2007. While there is the great Wall in Washington DC , and even here in Idaho in Idaho Falls Idaho, a Military Aviators Wall Of Honor is needed. Throughout every conflict the ones who kept even ground troops safe as well as transported the wounded and dead from the battlefield has been the military aviator. To that goal, we will be relaunching that project just after the holidays. To do fund raisers , including the sale of the pin up calendar, will be used to secure locations, and erect the Wall. As well as getting all involved to start gathering area aviators names to be placed on that wall. In short our time has come.
If your somebody out there that treasures the liberties and freedom we as Military aviators help provide and defend for you. And you want to help, in any amount, please do so. Email me at for further information.
As the dawn breaks over the horizon I’m headed to the rack, see ya’ll in the air.
L8R Aviators
Quote of the Day:
No great advance has ever been made in science, politics, or religion, without controversy.
--Lyman Beecher
Galatians 3:28“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |