Even Jesus had these troubles, and he really had the mystical powers. Getting people to truly understand what is being said, not just what they are hearing but what is being told to them.
I hate to explain to corporate Twin Falls, but its still agriculture or at least country folks that make this damn town flow. There are also supporting business’ that come into play, if it were not for pilots, or us aviators, there would be nobody to spray crops in big fields , nor transport the sick and injured from remote farm areas to the hospitals, nor when range fires burn, who do you think is fighting the majority of those fires from the air? Of course there is the BLM, and such agencies, but their resources from equipment to people are limited, when that happens, such firms as AyreWolf Aviation are called in to help.
Okay then, the biker situation. One only needs to sit in my from room or by my truck on a summer eve and watch, I can count 10 bikes for every car that goes by. Yet when it comes to biker support business’ such as Hazzard County Choppers, such institutions as the Twin Falls C-of-C roll up the welcome mat, pull up the draw bridge and man the cannons, and say no.
Maybe I’m being to harsh, maybe there is a true geographically challenged person, but how again I say this, how can you not figure out my address? I mean goodness, how many front doors open to view the Idaho lottery billboard sign? I mean residences, that also house business’ ? I see on one side of the street McDonalds Chevron, on the other is Swensens , and that leaves two corners. One see’s the billboard over the top of them, the other is ours I see it right in FRONT OF ME!! But am I and the Wolf-Pack the only ones that can see that? I had the same problem with a local wifi provider here, that said their product wouldn’t work, course they couldn’t find us in Burley either. Shoot people hear what’s being said, has booze and crack eroded your brains that much? You say right next and under our radio stations 500 foot radio tower off of highway 30. That thing is damn hard to miss, even if you are stoned. I have had crack addicts find it. Here’s one of the answers and the situation. When a representative of a company , group etc is a female, and the gig deals with seeing someone that is a lone male, they just don’t want to go in alone. See believe it or not and this exists in any town you go to, there is the secret womens society. That meets at salons, dinners, lunch's all over, there are warnings put out of who is safe, who ain’t and those they are not sure of. The Wolf’s Lair is one of those, not sure of. So the gal from the TF, C-of-C decides this is dangerous, best not go there alone so she gives an excuse of getting lost. Here’s a suggestion, say something like, do you mind if I bring a friend (bring a guy) or could you come to the office(safe spot). This is the honest way.
That said, our company and extending into both the AyreWolvez and the Knytes, is not exactly the usual brick and mortar business. We work with, recreate with, socialize with a group of people that all too many conservatives and yes even yankee conservatives consider dirty or beneath them. So best way to keep our style of people out is to put all too many rocks in front of us to get to the finish line. Or at least to being a member of the Chamber of Commerce, go to the River Fellowship for church, the list goes on. And yet you can’t show me even one (anymore) a fine dining place in all of Twin Falls. There were some years ago, two were down town, the Turff Club out on Falls, was a high class place, supposedly there was a concept for two out on the rivers edge, but never took off. Yet there are all too many that hold themselves out as high class or establishment types. I will always hold, that myself, my company, the clubs, and our radio station will always be anti-establishment, anti conformist, fight the system rebel always firms and people. You’d be hard pressed to find any of us, in a shirt and tie. But yet we represent more people than any organization in Twin Falls, and /or the valley.
Some of the biggest companies in the valley, a sitting county Sheriff, a former city Police Chief, and two FBI agents all are members of the Knytes. The areas these people are in are succeeding. The ones we aren’t strong in, are the places that are like salmon, paddling up stream, working hard just not getting nowhere. There is the fact that we represent the confederacy, always have always will, but beyond our political views, such minor things like a fuss based on a few stumbles of protocol were made between Confederate Steele Media and KMVT.
When the new head cheese, of KMVT CH-11 assumed the helm, I went out of my way to set a meeting to meet the new head and create a truce. One I thought was made, a suggestion, paid entirely by the club, was made to KMVT, to do a Miss Hazzard County/Daisy Duke lookalike contest at the Magic Valley Mall, in front of that years Hazzard Nationals. Of course Mr. Pruitt said, nope that’s exploiting women. Yet in less than a month after Chris, stages a talent search for America’s Next Top Model, which is ran on his other station’s the CW. Humm I said to Chris, our Miss Hazzard project and a beauty pageant for ANTM , now whose calling the kettle black? That is the base and floor of this battle between Confederate Steele and KMVT, you’d think by now a meeting could be had and finally a truce made and us work together. Ain’t happened yet. The reason all area media is pissed at us, is simple they are jealous. They have to walk a fine line. To maintain income they gotta kiss bum , mostly those of ultra conservatives. Where we as a business and main sponsor of a MC and warbird pilot group, are very anti establishment, and no way so conservative. have a bit more liberty to voice the opinions that the others only wish they could. For every dollar they make in ad revenue, Confederate Steele, especially HazzardAyre Radio, makes $5.00 in ad revenue. That revenue, also comes from many business’ in the area that are owned by Knytes members, from Ziggy’s in Bliss to the Twin Falls Hot Rod Shop, associated business’ like A1 Towing, to sideline business’s like the West Point Store. Kick the Knytes in the head even one member, and say good bye to ad revenue, or any other revenue as one member votes with the rest make one mad, make the rest mad, and that company gets no business from any of the members of the club.
So to organizations like the Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce, operations like KMVT, KTVB, The Times News, every time you snub me as I am a Knyte infact one of the founders of the club and the area XO, of the club, you also snub the club, and you loose. Business. See you at the soup kitchen.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the Day:
The easiest thing to find is fault.
Jeremiah 23:24“Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?” declares the LORD. “Do not I fill heaven and earth?” declares the LORD.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |