Thursday, May 9, 2013

Dixie Deere Racing may be coming back with a twist


Some howls from the Wolf’s Den here lately is that some here are talking about putting Dixie Deere Racing back together.

Although the bunch at Rebel Racing seem to be doing well overall, sentiments of the Wolf-Pack are if they wont let us join them, we might as well do it ourselves. So we’re talking with Deere and will include both the AyreWolvez and of course AyreWolf Aviation as sponsors and crew.

That means Deere colors will return to MVS in Twin falls as early as next season, maybe with our own lady driver.

Many have asked why we never challenged the naming of that team, reason being the driver of the number 25 is a voting Knytes member, so we let the concept of Rebel Racing ride as it is.

But that does not mean we’ll not be as competitive as they are or more so.

Last night charity feed by the AyreWolvez, at the Wolf’s Den, fed 96 people, of Lasagna and salad, alone with soda and coffee.

The purpose is to raise funds each year for some of our flying veterans benefit fund. This fund is to assist those Navy and Marine Veterans, that come home from service, needed immediate funds, while waiting for their VA and DoD funds to kick in.

We raised just under $25k, last night, but my am I a tired wolf.

A programming note, both HazzardAyre and Dixie Diesel Radio will now be combined to run overnight while WyldAyre radio will begin running from 18:05 to 23:55 Monday through Saturday. This is to allow all day runs of DXB as well as our religious programming all day Sunday.

HazzardAyre though will run as its own show on Sunday’s from 18:05 to 23:55 which will include Highway Hooker Radio, as part of every half hour. For those not in the know, Highway Hooker Radio is the only show on any station in the nation for those who toew. >>post147506ALEXIWOLF combined with the new Sex with Sue Sexty Minutes.

Last but not least, nominations are being sought for the Miss AyreWolf/SheWolvez. Winner will get a $200k modeling/talent contract and SheWolvez a $50k modeling/talent contracts.

This year we are accepting plus sized entries, so get out you pic phones and get full bod shots and send those jpg pics to: .

Until L8R Aviators

Keep them wyngs level.


Quote of the Day:
If you can't beat your computer at chess, try kickboxing.
Romans 8:1-2“[Life Through the Spirit] Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.”

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