Here’s an idea for all those tech geeks, out there.
How about putting together a computer keyboard for us fat fingered muscular male corpuscles out here.
Seems like I mis spell not on purpose , many words simply due to the fact these standard equipment Dell keyboards are so damn small, the keys are too small. I’m sure there’s something out there, but I ain’t found it yet.
Those ones that look like a spread open turkey aren’t bad but even those keys are to small. Forget about trying to full hand type. Just don’t work.
Then there is the dry mouth can’t talk situation. Unless you can be somewhere that has a vaporizer or humidifier going as part of the environmental controls, or system, you get dry mouth, and talking on the phone is near to impossible.
I know the geeks can’t do much about the dry mouth, but how about the keyboard. I challenge and dare a tech geek out there to build me a keyboard for a big male like me, with keys arranged so fat fingers can navigate the board, full handed .
Found a new site for us with minds in the sky, its and has some great shots of some vintage winged warriors, only no helicopters. Once again we will step in.
Stay tuned.
Quote of the Day:
He is poor who does not feel content.
--Japanese proverb
Galatians 6:1“[Doing Good to All] Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |