As the heat dies down after a very busy year in the ayre doing fire suppression, and insect eradication , the AyreWolvez start to winterize our aircraft and warbirds and get the needed and deserved rest.
They say though, there is no rest for the AyreWolvez that have proven themselvez as the Alpha Wolves we are.
While not all of the AyreWolvez are of the UCSMC VMA214, the majority are.
As Ernest Borgnyne past away a few weeks ago, the last of the original cast of the TV series Airwolf , and there being only 3 of the original VMF214 BlackSheep squadron still alive and hopefully will be by this time of year next year, the AyreWolvez are getting ready and in planning the 2013 AyreWolvez AyreShow. The 2013 AyreShow will be a reunion of such for and of the past, and current VMF and VMA 214 BlackSheep USMC.
This will be an event that brings together the best of the warbird community. The AyreWolvez AyreShow, will be a charity event for the Yellow Ribbon Military program, as well as the Shriner’s Crippled Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City Utah.
From the infamous Corsair, to the Blue Angels, to our groups pride and joy The Lady there certainly will be something to amaze and salivate over.
Two fly overs are planned among many other activities.
Like I said we are in planning stage right now.
The event will occur weather permitting in September 2013 at the Cassia County/Burley Airport, Burley Airport. Unicom ID BYI.
If you love aircraft, especially warbirds, both fixed winged as well as helicopters, military helicopters. You’ll want to start your vector for the AyreWolvez Aviation Association’ AyreShow. September 2013 Burley Airport, Burley Idaho.
More details as they come.
More L8r Aviators on Day break as well as on AyreWolf/WyldAyre Radio.
Quote of the Day:
No great advance has ever been made in science, politics, or religion, without controversy.
--Lyman Beecher
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