Monday, June 18, 2012

Has FoX News reached its Zenith?

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Have you started thinking that FoX News and CNN have reached their Zenith? That they have reached the end of one long road and that there needs to be fresh blood and fresh everything in TV news , giving us something more than talking heads interrupted with stupid commercials both local as well as what the  networks are rebroadcasting. Yet few are stepping up to challenge the giants. Those who do are like us here at Confederate Star TV , it takes years to get it in , in a particular demographic. Like wise our style of TV is not LDS approved. But elsewhere in the nation Confederate Star TV is gaining ground.

The Washington DC Machine is broken. No matter what side of the political isle you stand on, both parties, both Republicans and Democrats can’t convince many Americans that their way is the right way. However likewise many Americans are too damn stupid to see and hear the truth. A recent speech I heard on Dixie Broadcasting, said, we are always going to have crooks, poor folk and stupid people. The thing is, and I urge many to do so, wiggle your computer to on there is a hyperlink that says LISTEN NOW, click on it. Follow the instructions, but there on you will learn things that you just thought you knew and things you never even thought of. The powerful Southern Movement is on. The Confederate Party is the only earthly saving grace. Unfortunately we don’t have a candidate that is gutsy enough to step up and run as a candidate on the Confederate Party ticket, which is a REAL political party someone can run on and get elected in in Idaho and Utah. Your Knytes of Anarchy made it that way. The Knytes were out there in the last election staging rallies , staging information rallies and so on. Reluctantly Governor Butch Otter of Idaho, signed into law the bill that created the Confederate National Party in Idaho. Shortly after Utah and Wyoming did the same. But who was beating our chests saying this is the way? The Knytes-of-Anarchy. That includes us the members of the AyreWolvez.

Yet I sit up all morning listening to all these talk shows and supposed news shows in the morning on Fox and Cnn. Here’s an idea, report the galldarn news. Some of those long legged honeys on FoX News and they are long legged in need of nylons as their boney legs could use the enhancement, barking on things you know these hardly dry behind the ears news people have no idea about. The bad thing? The bastards at these news organizations will not take the bold step and contact, interview, people of newsworthy status on the Confederate Party and the Southern Movement. Hell don’t just call me, shit, contact Ray Bradbury at Dixie Broadcasting East, ya’ll can find his email at their website Dixie Broadcasting . com .

Even the so called morning staples that were in deep doo-doo that broke off talks of our initial take over of local KBAR-AM don’t even have the Stugots to contact me and bring up the Confederate Party’s platform, only saying no one here is interested.

Bull shit, it was that way and same noise I heard in 2008, nobody wants to hear the noise of the Southern movement. Yet guess what? We got two radio stations other than us in Boise to take up the topic, and both stations had better overnight numbers than they ever had in the previous 6 months.

In much of the broadcasters, airtime or at least quality airtime is measured in airtime generating money. If it ain’t its just dead air. Trouble is many would rather have dead air, than give up a little real estate for causes and issues, that are not inline with theirs but demands their attention.

And if you think this is not your problem, unless we get one of our Confederate leaders into major power, a return to the cold war is very possible. Even to the point the slave President put cards on the table about Russia aiding Syria. On Syria, we’re down with Afghanistan , we’re done with Iraq, hello Syria.

Nobody listened to me or the Knytes in 2008, we told you things were going to get crappy, but most ignored us then. Don’t be stupid , don’t ignore us now.

Who do we support for President?

That tomorrow.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
Hurry! I never hurry. I have no time to hurry.
--Igor Stravinsky
Ephesians 6:4“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

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