Monday, January 2, 2012

What a long weekend and one of our own passes


B4 I get into much this morning have bad news to pass along.

Early Sunday Morning New Years Day at 03:30 hours, Major Mason and his dad were responded to a 8004 10-50 on I-84 south at the Idaho/Utah Border. Through the call, Major Mason’s father John , during hook up procedure was hit and killed by an uninsured , unlicensed Mexican driver.

I responded from here in Heyburn at 04:00 hours to retrieve the wreckage while Major Mason brought home his Dads rig and clean up.

We will be setting up a donation account at Wells Fargo of Burley. Major Mason was on leave from reserve active duty 33rd MEU VMA214 USMC.

Major Mason is a member of both the AyreWolvez and Knytes-of-Anarchy, he was one of the first 10 of the club. My heart and prayers go out to Major Mason and his family.

For more information get in touch with me.

I have been awake and going since Thursday. My mind is writing checks that my body can’t cash. I worked the two trucks here until Sunday afternoon, and took over dispatch at 18:00 hours.

The new year is starting out shitty.

Talk to most of ya’ll Monday.

L8R Aviators and toewers

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Quote of the day:
It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them. - Alfred Adler
Psalm 90:12“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

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