If one were to look into my email, most would find that nearly 75% of it is aircraft or at least aviation oriented.
The evolution of what I was once, into what I have become came early in 2004. When I realized albeit painfully, that going toewing if anything was going to be a part time gig, and flying and restoring vintage military warbirds was going to be the profession I was and am making a real living at.
Yesterday the whose who of AyreWolf Aviation and I sat down here at the Wolf’s Den, looked over what little income that Dixie Toewing has brought in , and what AyreWolf Aviation has brought in. The final score? Dixie Toewing 30, AyreWolf Aviation 70. In essence AyreWolf Aviation has brought in more money than Dixie Toewing has.
I don’t know if its due to the piss pour economy of Idaho, or if I changed the environment of things Toewing to Utah say, that it would be better. And b4 I can everything , I’m going to feel that up a bit more b4 I sell off the trucks and just shit can going towing and concentrate on just my things with wings.
As far as the Hazzard Knytes and all that I’m sticking in there, but during my recent financial meltdown it was not as much the Knytes-of-Anarchy, nor the Hazzard Knytes that jumped in to help, it was the AyreWolvez that came running. Wyle I’ll be loyal to the club as always, I’m going to be favoring the Hazzard County AyreWolvez, more than some of the rest of the group.
As far as film and so on production. Wyle I think it would be grand to see a redoux of the Dukes into a newer updated series and all, but think this, why not work up two that nobody has done yet? A real historically correct film called Once They Were Eagle’s , based on the novel of same that tells the full story of the 214? Likewise for fiction, put the Lady back in the air and do a first reunion movie of AirWolf , and then a film with new people based on AirWolf and pitch it to the studios? With new techniques based on CGI and CGG, one could do AirWolf for a fraction of what we did b4. More over cast such new stars as Selena Gomez in as Dom’s daughter, maybe, Debby Ryan as Arch Angels assistant, and so on.
Of course speaking of same, maybe by doing that we might get Disney willing to pony up some money to make the film. Hey stranger stuff has happened.
Then of course there is the youth. Just like the TeenAge Truckers Association 4-H club was part of the foundation of what is the Knytes, why can’t a junior or young person’s aviation club, or say BSA Explorer Post be created under the AyreWolvez as say , for lack of a better name, The WolfPups? In other words get more youth involved in flying.
Look, for me I have reached a point, that changes have to be made in my own life. And while I ain’t selling LexiBelle, I’m not as head up to go tow as I used to be.
In today’s economy , doing something that few if anyone else is doing, is the way ya’ll generate money. For me its flying and restoring vintage military warbirds. Namely rotor craft aka helicopters.
The difference in a few million on pay back or return on investment, for aviation, versus, a few thousand on towing and hot rods, and it does not take long to figure out that having my head in the clouds ain’t such a bad thing after all.
Any flyte,
Until L8R Aviators,
Quote of the day: Think of what would happen to us in America if there were no humorists; life would be one long Congressional Record. - Tom Masson
Matthew 7:7-8“[Ask, Seek, Knock] “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
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