B4 we get it on, the Network instructed me that I say this.
The following article does not necessarily express the feelings and/or views of SAMCRO MC, Knytes-of-Anarchy, AyreWolvez, or Confederate Steele Media.
This is called a disclaimer that some big pricks up at the network sezz I gotta say, so I did.
Ah hell its bull shit, I always speak for the club, although it would be nice to have say some of our SheWolvez subscribe to our online publications and even write a few articles. Joni, you up for that challenge?
Okay then, since this subject keeps popping up more times than a virgin penus on prom night.
While I may allude to serious sexual activity, the thought by all too many that we are as a production firm into porn is one of the most idiotic statements I have ever heard or read. The entire main objective of our pin up girl calendar and video, our ayrecraft body and nose art, and so on including our TV and print ads is to get away from the half to totally naked supple breasted blonde dumb-bells and into intelligent, angelic sensual HeeHaw/Daisy Duke rated G pictorials.
Oh sure I think that a gal in a full swim suit with fishnets or full nylon stockings especially the old style black seam up the back of the leg attached to a set of shorts by a garter is about one of the hottest things, but not at least to me the hottest thing to see on a lady is a real tight pair, and although Joni thinks otherwise a tight pair of form fitting Dittos or Wrangler Cowgirl jeans especially wet will get this old Wolf a panting worse than coming off an Arizona desert.
Thing is while a healthy and well educated sexual life is good for us, hey God meant us to be sexual and passionate beings. As in everything, God does not give us tools or skills he does not intend for us to use. Sexual technique is a learned skill. And while every church will tell you, sex is best enjoyed between two people a man and woman, under the umbrella of matrimony and marriage. That said, I don’t think God meant for us who for only he knows why can’t find the right gal to wed. I think he really means, is that we engage in sexual activity in a responsible manner, but I don’t think God means for us to completely refrain. While I know there are Bible versus , the concept is more amongst cheating while married, that while so called fornication is a sin, I do not think God meant for us to turn off the mental as well as physical urges that he in fact planted in us.
Now I do draw the line on queers, transvestites , molestation especially children or making a wife of a girl under the age of 14, and forcing a women into sexual activity when she don’t want to, either because she ain’t into me or a guy, or if she just ain’t into having that kind of activity. That’s called RAPE and Date RAPE .
When it comes to some social dating sites, I think those while some are credible, are nothing more than online pimps trying to sell a good time, with a gal(or so they say) on the other end of the telly. I see these all the time in my spam inbox.
Then there is the obvious Porn, like Playboy and Penthouse. Sure there are some of the most beautiful women on the planet in there. The centerfolds of both famous and not so famous starlets and models thing is the gals in those magazines will not look at the ordinary guy , no how no way. So why hunger and thirst for something you can’t have? I mean unless your raking in $500,million or better a year, are hauled around in a Limo, have a mansion in Beverly Hills, Malibu, or the Hamptons, those gals in any magazine or that work in the adult film industry are not going to talk to you, don’t matter how much you LIKE them on their Facefart page. In fact the responses on many of those Facebook pages are not from the porn queen or model herself, its from a publicist.
If you think that, that VW bus full of College Cheerleaders is showing up at your college dorm, or your home, ready to drown you in their deep juices , forget it, ain’t going to happen.
Now then in my feelings, genuine sexual expression, is not just about sinking your sub in her . Gentile things, like the act of cuddling, holding her in your arms, her in her slipper pj’s with her Carmel popcorn, and you,her,in front of a warm fire, or just under a warm blanket watching a great film, or enjoying great soft jazz or good southern rock kountry, is far more fun than all that coitus . Lets face it, most men that I know of even club members , have no idea where the erogenous zones on a woman are. Most guys go for one of three places, breasts, Butt, vagina. One of the things I discovered about the long near a trademark for my company now, but the caressing of feet, and loving her feet and toes, especially in nylons that provides a silkier experience, but caressing her toes, will get her far more ready to explode, than the usual menu. Kissing her just behind the knees with eyelash butterfly kisses, just on the inner side of her thighs, and then stopping short, will make her heat increase to where memories will be made. Then of course there is the usual points on the average sex menu. Most guys love oral sex, but a spot 69, with you performing cunninglingus targeting her clitoris will get her so passionate, as well as carefully applied butterfly kisses in the small of her back and all the way up her spine, the traditional nibbling on her ear. Will make her year and yours too. The problem is most men have no idea where her clitoris or G spot is. Most guys fumble around her vulva area looking for it, like trying to find a set of golf clubs in a dark closet.
One of the best resources I have ever read, is one from a gal name Sue Rogers,(www.sexwithsue.com) who published a book called Quivering Jello about 2005 somewhere. I read that from front to back, then and while many say this is wrong I went and paid to practice with some of the best sexual therapists on earth, the lovelies at Miss Donna’s Ranch in Wells Nevada. What the book does not teach you, they will.
But when it comes to us here at Confederate Steele Media, shooting porn shots and all is just plain yuck.
In my next part on this topic, what does get it?
L8R Aviators,

Quote of the Day:
Honk off, bozo.
The Duplex John 3:20-21“Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.”
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