Well here it is. We as a organization and aviators have made it through yet another year, feathers nearly unscathed.
At the end of the year like most humanoids I begin to look at the past year, and even years b4 this one. Wondering can I make MY picture any better? If I can great, if not then what? Do I give up on a dream or aspiration or rework that dream or aspiration into a form that I can work with and makes sense in the environment that I live in. After all ya’ll cain’t make a silk purse out of a sows ear.
Since 1976, when I first saw LexiBelle(my tow truck) to today I have been busting my ass trying to open that magical can of well magic to prosperity in towing. Only in three locations has old LexiBelle made money. Blackfoot, Montpelier, and Boise. That’s Idaho. Of course albeit an up hill battle, but I made money in Utah on Utah’s western Desert highway of I-80. As far as introverted Idaho , no way in hell. So what to do?
Quit? No, but a serious rework both of image, location and structure. Location looks to be near here, but more east of here. Near American Falls, name image, most know it but I’ll hold off the new handle for the premier, of the new company. In the mean time, ye ole wolf here is living to the name AyreWolf, doing everything I can to get into and staying in the air, even to the point of becoming a CFI, and getting more people in the air. Finding or constructing a private air strip somewhere since there’s no room here for one, hey Reeders had to do that, guess we will too. In essence though I have seen all I need to in trucking, towing, and all of that, and I’m just tyred. Nothing gets done regulatory wise. Case-n-point, there’s this thing on FaceBook, about Trucker Rights, and saving old skool independent truck stops. Guess what both have turned into a chat room of hens, or at least that’s what it sounds like. It takes a shit load of balls to really do something in the regulatory arena of trucking, but it takes nearly nothing to sit on line of FaceBook, and fart around on line. I want to hear from the guy or gal that’s really been out on the road late night Christmas eve, with a load of balling bulls in a Wilson brand livestock trailer with an inside dual drive tire flat in snow covering your fuel tanks just north of Dubois Idaho in 9 or colder weather. That’s the guy I want to hear from in trucking. Oh by the flyway was there done that.
As far as towing, shit outside of the Knytes, the only state towing association that’s welcomed us, is Utah’s. Not Idaho’s, even though I helped to create it. But given credit? Not unless Kahless himself came down in front of Denny Jones of Chubbuck/Pocatello , then maybe. So why? Look, I can make $800.00 an hour in the air flying, I might be able to make $50.00 an hour towing. That’s in Boise. To preserve myself, my business and what little sanity I have left, I’m flying 80 % towing 20% . Everything else ? When I can. And only if it helps me.
Final approach ? I’m done. I’m making and taking time for myself and AyreWolf Aviation. Everything will be on a as needed when needed basis.
L8R Aviators
Quote of the day:
I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it. - Rita Mae Brown
Isaiah 43:16, 18-19“This is what the LORD says— he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |